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SPI 854: The Truth About Passive Income

Is passive income just a myth social media gurus like to spread? Is it really possible to earn money while you sleep?

Many people misunderstand the path to success and financial freedom. The truth is that passive income is a realistic goal, but only as the very last step in your income generation process. There’s nothing passive about building an online business as a beginner!

That said, I want to share something special today to help you on your journey. In this episode, I’ll let you in on the system I and thousands of other entrepreneurs have used to build legitimate online businesses. This is the blueprint behind my success with everything from this podcast and brand to my Pokémon YouTube channel.

Drumroll, please! I’m talking about my SMART framework. Listen in on this session to hear all about it!

This is the fastest way to go from idea to monetization. I’ll cover selecting a niche and social media platform, building an audience and email list, launching a minimum viable product, and taking back your time.

This is a practical and actionable roadmap to guide you as you build your online business. Don’t miss out—tune in to access my structured approach to sustainable passive income!

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SPI 854: The Truth About Passive Income

Pat Flynn: The words passive income may be some of the most controversial words in the world of entrepreneurship. And yes, it just so happens that our domain name is Smart Passive Income. I’ll tell you a quick story about why I chose those words in just a moment for the domain name and the brand.

But let’s talk about the term passive income, because on one hand, you see a lot of people, social media gurus, influencers telling you that you are able to make money while you sleep.

You can set it and forget it. Just have to buy a system or create an opportunity that will allow you to print cash. And don’t even get me started on those YouTube ads because that’s a whole nother episode in a rabbit Hole to go down.

But then you have the other camp in the world of passive income the people who say that it is literally impossible, there is no such thing, that you have to work for the money you earn.

And I’m here in this episode to tell you the truth about passive income as somebody who has lived it, has earned it, who has it in his domain name at and continues to support it because the truth is passive income does exist. You can generate revenue while you sleep, but you gotta work for it and it’s the last step in an income generation process or sequence. The passive part is last, and that’s where people get it wrong. You might expect that you can create something overnight, and you’re going to start to immediately see income coming in. That I believe is a myth and is not possible. And anybody who sees some results like that typically has a lot of backstory and a lot of lead up to the point at which they can start to generate passive income in that manner.

But you got to put the work in and the work requires an investment in time, understanding the business that you’re creating, understanding that it’s going to take quite a bit of active income before any sense of passive could be a part of this. The passive part comes last. It’s when you take yourself away from the process.

And now more than ever with the tools that exist and the companies that are out there to support us entrepreneurs, you can create systems of automation that allow you to still do what a business needs to do best, which is serve their audience without you having to put in any more hours or relatively a fewer number of hours in order for that to happen.

The truth is passive income isn’t passive in the beginning at all, not one bit. And anybody who tells you otherwise is either lying to you or trying to sell you something. But, and this is a big, but that doesn’t mean creating sustainable, scalable income is impossible. In fact, I’m living proof that it’s absolutely achievable and I’ve done this several times over across many different businesses, from podcasting to Pokemon.

And today I’m going to share something special with you. A brand new framework that helped not just me, but it’s helped thousands of entrepreneurs build legitimate, sustainable businesses online. And I call it *drumroll* The SMART Framework. See what we did there? This is a really interesting case study here at Smart Passive Income because we’re sort of starting with Smart Passive Income and then putting the acronym on it later.

I mean, how many years later? 16 years later now, which is kind of funny. 17 in fact, this coming July. But why did I choose smart in passive income? Because the smart approach is to know that you need to put some work in and not just work harder, but work smarter. The reason I chose passive income in my domain name back in 2008 when I started was because those were keywords that people were typing in to Google to find information about starting an online business, but I wanted to get in front and grab them before the gurus and the social media personalities and most of all the scammers got in front of them. I wanted to bring some truth and tell you this is not easy. It does not happen overnight. It is possible. And I had backing, I had proof, I had receipts. My lead exam business LEED is an exam that architects and designers take in the world of architecture.

And I had built a business to help people pass that exam. And as a result, I was generating revenue overnight. I was getting traffic automatically coming to my website and I was getting sales and customers every single day after having put in that work up front. And that’s the SMART approach. To show up and to serve your audience and then build those systems that support you getting out of it in some way, shape, or form.

So we’re going to dive deep into the SMART framework today and I keep emphasizing the SMART part of this because that is the acronym S M A R T. We’re going to go through each of these segments one by one and this is going to be the framework and basis by which we teach here at Smart Passive Income.

So the S stands for start fast, start, yes, but start fast and emphasis on fast because the quicker you can get started, the quicker you’re going to learn, the quicker you’re going to fail, which is in fact a part of the process of learning which direction to go, and it’s okay to make mistakes, but starting fast is going to allow you to get going and get to those mistakes that are going to teach you which direction to go next sooner.

So starting fast. Now, where do you start? Well, you should start with selecting a profitable niche. Profitable niche. The riches are in the niches, as I often say. And this requires a little bit of market research. And I like to teach my students a method called the market map. Creating a market map, or a map of the market that you are thinking about getting into.

Now, if you aren’t even sure, even before that, where to start, what, what markets do I even explore? I would invite you to go and check out our course, Smart From Scratch. This is going to help you nail that niche and figure out which ones to start focusing on. It doesn’t mean it’s going to be a permanent decision, but at least you’ll have some direction.

If you have a million ideas, great. We can narrow it down to one, or if you have zero ideas, we can help you ideate on what might be a best fit for you to begin exploring a niche to start building your market map off of so that. Just like any good map, if you want to build a home there, you need to figure out what exists there already.

We’re going to go deeper into the market map specifically in our next episode, 855. But for now, we’re going to keep going here with the SMART acronym, and we’re still on the S. Start fast, and starting by selecting a product, profitable niche. So validating that idea and all the things that I talk about in my book, Will It Fly?

All are on the table for that. And then deciding on your digital stage. This is again, just starting picking one platform to start building your audience on. And that could be anything. It could be on YouTube. It could be on TikTok. It can be on LinkedIn. It could just picking one and going. Yes. Over time, you want to diversify and be on multiple platforms.

That’s how you be everywhere. But if you’re everywhere at the start, you’re going to be nowhere because you are not fully showing up on any one of those platforms. And I’d much rather you build a strong audience of a hundred or a thousand followers on one platform than 10,000 followers across a several that you don’t really have a good connection with.

So deciding on your digital stage, it might be YouTube or a podcast, right? Getting the equipment you need to that, to do that, but not thinking too hard about it. Starting fast with the minimum viable products that you need in order to go down that direction. Right, and then optimizing for discoverability, that means figuring out on that one platform, what is working best for people who are also on that platform.

And this is where lean learning methods come into play, allowing yourself to only learn about the platform that you are on right now, only allowing yourself to learn about the niche that you’re in only allowing yourself to learn about the one strategy that you are focusing on, and it’s like picking a lane to just stay in at the grocery store.

I talked about this a few episodes back. We have that choice regret immediately. When we decide on something, we start looking at the other checkout lanes going, Oh, that one’s faster. I should have chose that one. And then you go over there when the original one you were in was probably the best one and you need to commit to it.

Right? You commit to it for a certain period of time, and then you figure out what works from there. You don’t need to know exactly what’s going to happen next, because you’ll figure that out when you get there. But the truth is, if you don’t take action now and start fast, you’re going nowhere. You’re going nowhere.

So starting is better than not starting at all, and that’s why S is start fast. By the way, if you want to get access to Smart From Scratch to help you decide on a niche if you haven’t already, Head on over to and you can start smart there.

Okay, let’s move on to the M. So S was start fast. M is for market your message. On the one platform that you chose, We need to learn and figure out who you are, what is your position, what are you going to say there, how are you going to say it, how often are you going to show up, developing your unique voice and your unique style is really, really important.

And again, similarly, that can only come by hitting that publish button, by posting, by doing. Understanding how to create content in an authoritative manner. Even if you aren’t quote unquote, the expert in the space that you’re getting into, you can still become authoritative by sharing your experiences, by sharing your story and by sharing other stories and being a curator of content and making connections that other people weren’t able to make before, or just don’t clearly see as clearly as you do because you are the one in it and doing the research. Creating content with story in mind. Very, very important these days because story is going to be the differentiator between just regular information that’s getting blended everywhere that could be found on tools like ChatGPT and the emotional connection that you can have with your audience when you tell a good story.

Understanding that it’s not just about informing with information, but it’s about entertainment as well. Not necessarily becoming somebody different in order to capture attention, but rather finding the best parts of you and your voice to capture attention and to hold and retain that attention.

Practicing that on social media. This is where we can start to figure out, okay, if I’m on a YouTube channel or on a podcast, where am I going to start connecting with my audience to practice this messaging in real time, and this is where a social media platform can come into play for you. It might be X, it might be Facebook. It might be Instagram. It depends on the niche and where you want to show up, right? Again, expressing yourself. It’s going to be hard. You’ve got to be cringe before they binge, right, or your vibe attracts your tribe. You have to be you though, and this is really hard during this segment because when you are marketing your message, we often feel like your message, or our message as we are sharing it, isn’t good enough.

The imposter syndrome starts to come into play. So getting over those mental hurdles The M could potentially stand for mental hurdles here as well as much as it does for marketing the message, practicing who you are and showing up and developing your voice and understanding from your audience’s perspective to through conversations and understanding.

What is it about you that’s special and interesting and exciting? That’s something that you often won’t even know until somebody else points it out for you. That’s why we have some exercises in my book, Will It Fly?, to help you speed up that discoverability process of who you are and what you could offer this space that you’re in.

If you’re up to it, you could even set up something like a Stan Store. If you haven’t set up your stand store yet, we’re big fans of Stan. We’re Stans of Stan here, and it is replaced my recommendation to start with a website after you find out your niche and who it is you’re serving and you start developing your voice and picking a social media platform.

Setting up your Stan Store is going to be a great way to be the conduit, essentially, between when people find you on social and how to get them involved in whatever it is that you have to offer or to sell or an email list that you want to build, etc. You can check out my Stan Store if you want to see exactly what you can do with it and how simple it looks at and on that page you can go and actually sign up for your own stand store and set it up in a very modular, easy way. It’s so, so easy and I would, again, recommend doing this before you even create a website. You can even start booking calls and even charging for things sooner than later, which is awesome.

So if you’d like to go through our affiliate link and get a free 30 day trial, To Stan, you can go to It was cool. It’s a platform that was set up initially for people who are on TikTok and social, and it’s starting to make waves here in our entrepreneurial bubble, and I’m definitely behind it.

Love John and the team over at Stan. So M marketing your message. And over time, especially this year, we’re going to practice. We’re going to have examples. We’re going to go deeper into how to market your message, different ways that you can set up and construct your posts and your podcasts and your videos and your social stream to not just be engaging and capture attention, but to actually make real connections with people.

That’s the whole point of marketing your message is to be able to capture attention and then hold that attention. Next is A, attract your audience. You’re going to do that a little bit naturally when you market your message, but a lot of times those messages are going to get in front of people and then they’re going to go, okay, well, how do I follow up?

Where do we go from here? And this is where we want you to own what you’ve grown because at any moment in time, in fact, we’ve recently seen this with TikTok shutting down for yes, it was only 12 hours. This, if you’re listening in the future was January, 2025 with the TikTok shutdown. So many people who had relied just on Tik Tok because that was the only connection they had with their audience.

They were freaking out. You gotta own what you’ve grown. So even if you have a small audience on your social platform or just a few people who listen to your podcast or currently watch your videos, building an email list is the next step. And I want you on your email list to grow to 1,000 emails. That is the goal here in Attract Your Audience and what we’re gonna be really honing in on here at SPI.

Getting you to 1, 000 email subscribers. Because beyond just choosing an email service provider and creating landing pages and lead magnets and things, what you can do with that email list is really powerful. Number one, you’re going to own that list. So if TikTok decides to shut down again, or wherever your platform is, they change their algorithm or they start to, you know, change direction and you want to go somewhere else, you can directly message these people into their inbox and tell them where to go next.

That’s really important. But more than that. You can not just broadcast things, but as I like to say, broad ask things, meaning you can survey your audience that you’ve built on your email list. You can ask them questions to help yourself understand what they might need help with. What are the biggest challenges that they’re struggling through?

This is what will help you, and signal to you, what you need to do next, not just what posts to create or what podcast or videos to create, not just what social posts to publish, but even what products to create your audience that you own will guide your decisions. They should, you should not have to guess.

When it comes to the business that you have, if you have an audience, you should no longer never have to guess what your audience needs because you have that audience to tell you they are the ones to support. They have the problems that you need to solve. This is what creates a good business solving problems.

And if you have access to that audience and you own what you’ve grown. Amazing within this attract your audience phase not only are you building an email list to 1000 and that’s again, a great starting point. We’ve had people through some of our challenges and some of our email little campaigns that we’ve done to help you grow your email list.

We have a 100 emails marketing challenge. I believe that’s still available if you go to or if you are a member of the SPI community, you can check out Email The Smart Way to help you grow your list from scratch and utilize the both the auto responders and the broadcast capabilities there to do what we teach you to do.

In addition to that, it’s building relationships, right? Attracting your audience is building relationships, not just with your audience, but other people in the space you are in as well. Collaborating with other creators. Getting to know who they are and not seeing them as competition, but rather potentially partners, because when you have a specialty in a space, when you begin to discover, as we talked about earlier, your specialty, your voice, what you uniquely can bring to a space, nobody can compete with that.

And that’s why people love to partner and collab because you will have something that they don’t. Right, this reminds me of a podcaster who once struggled and I coached them through the process of discovering what their superpowers were and their superpowers were in the world of dog training, but not just being a great dog trainer.

In fact, we discovered that she was incredible. at helping people with very violent and vicious dogs, dogs that would potentially bite you if you tried to pet them, right? So she owned that as her specialty. And as a result of that, she started to get invited on other dog training podcasts. And now those people who own those other dog training podcasts, whenever a person needs help with a very violent dog, guess who they point them to?

To her, which was amazing. Shout out to Amy, by the way, who is the owner of that podcast. I don’t know if she still has that show though. It’s been a long time. And then from here, after you attract your audience, you want to go through your 1-1-1 exercise. You’re 1-1-1 exercise where you find one person in this audience that you’ve built.

Find one problem that they need help with and work with them to create one solution to help them solve that problem, right? This is the idea of identifying the superfans or the more active people in your audience who need help. Working with them to discover not just what they need help with, but how to help them through that.

So much easier to do it with one person than with several. And after you discover what works and what doesn’t, and they’re working with you and you’re working with them, you have a case study. You have a result. You have a testimonial. Something that can help you not just sell more of what it is you’re eventually going to sell, whether that turns into a course or a coaching program, consultation, whatever it might be.

We’ll see you again. Many people ask the question, Pat, what should I create first? Should I create a course or write a book? Or no, that’s the wrong question. Find one person, solve one problem with one solution, and then you can take that one solution and start to help another person. And then you can help a group of people.

And then over time you could potentially automate this thing. But we’ll get to that part later. That’s in the T, actually, of smart. We’re still in the A. Start fast. Market your message. Attract your audience. And then R, this is where revenue generation happens. Whether you choose to charge that single person who you’ve helped, who will not just unlock more revenue potentially for you, but more customers and your confidence.

You can no longer doubt yourself once you’ve helped at least one person when you start your campaigns when you start marketing, you have a real life case study from a real human being behind it, which is huge for any beginning entrepreneur to have that truth that dispels any sense of imposter syndrome.

So now that we are in our or revered generation, after you’ve helped that one person, you begin to understand that you can do this. Now it’s a matter of, okay, what business model am I going to get behind to do this, to replicate it, to turn it into something viable that isn’t just like a one time thing, but something that can happen again, and again, and again. And there’s a lot of different business models out there. The easiest one probably to begin with, because it requires less people, just requires a couple connections with an audience that again, at this point you will have already built, which is coaching. You can coach or consult with somebody and help them actually get a result.

What I love about the coaching and consulting aspect is hopefully as they sign up, they know exactly what they’re going to get from you and you know what you have to do for them. And you can probably set this up overnight using Stan. You can actually charge to have people book a call with you. And you can start, you could probably start generating revenue right now.

If you have an audience, you just have to set it up. An online course, perhaps maybe in your future or creating digital products and templates, or maybe physical products, if it makes sense. And there’s a lot of pros and cons to each model. We’ll deep dive into the different business models as the year goes along, but picking one business model to start out with is going to be key here. There’s a little bit of a theme here in this episode, right? Narrowing down the field, having a, you know, they often say that having a narrow of vision is bad, but when it comes to actually building a business, you need a narrow field of vision, narrow in the sense of the term for your niche, narrow in a sense of the term for how you’re going to help people again, building that specialty doesn’t mean you’re going to lock yourself in there forever.

And it also may mean that, okay, you’re going to choose something and it might not work, but that’s good. It’s like, it’s like a little Petri dish that you’re, Running a little experiment with and your first launch or your first ask of your audience is a little pipette of things in that Petri dish. And if it doesn’t work, that’s okay, you can do it again in another way and build your audience even stronger and begin to deep dive even more into what they might need help with.

If it didn’t work out the first time, this is great. You are learning as you go, making mistakes, failing forward. And that’s a good thing here, right? Aligning the business models that you choose with your strengths. So a little bit of history might need to be recounted for how you work best. It would make sense to do coaching if you just really, really don’t do well talking one on one with people.

Versus maybe that is a strong suit for you. You are great on the fly and talking with people. People connect with you, great. Then coaching and consulting may be perfect. Maybe you are great at curriculum and understanding what a person’s going through, but you create it on the course to help support that.

Or some sort of templates, who knows might be a cohort based course. There’s many different models out there again. We’re going to go over them in detail later during the year as we go along here and build off of this smart framework. Then it’s about launching, right? Getting to a point where you choose a date and you launch.

You share a message with this audience that you’ve built and tell them something is available that wasn’t before and creating a minimum viable product to do that, right? A lot of entrepreneurs I find when they get excited about helping an audience, maybe they’ve already helped one person and then they start to scale so big like, okay, great.

I’m going to build an online course and I’m going to spend three months pre selling this and launching it and, and, and putting it out there and hyping it up only to see crickets. You want to start small, minimum viable product, pre sell it. You can do that as well, which really will help you with generating revenue upfront, understanding whether or not this is going to work before you actually build it.

Not lying about it. You’re promising that you will build this or work with them after a purchase is made. If a certain number of people purchase or after a certain period of time. You’re gathering information and implementing feedback as you go along during the pre sale. And sort of alpha slash beta process of your launch.

And then iterating on it after, right? You might get one or two sales, which is great. That’s again, if even one or two sales in the beginning is fantastic. My life changed with my first 1 and 18 cents from AdSense. Your first dollar is so special because it means there’s more out there and iterating on your MVP and on your first launches is how you do it.

You are not in most cases, never going to have an initial million dollar launch like you hear a lot of these other gurus talk about, right? You can launch and get a million dollars in three days. No. You can help people, make money doing it, and start small and scale up from there. And any of those customers who come in during that first product launch, a small one, a controlled one, they become more evidence that you know what you’re talking about and can help people.

They become better testimonials as people get results over time. The big goal in the revenue generation model for starters is to get to $1,000 in revenue. All of this is completely active. None of it, hopefully, sounds passive. It’s rather simple when you lay it out, but it’s not easy. Which is why you need, as we talked about in previous episodes, things like a support system.

You need structure. You don’t just need the right information, you need the right people around you to support you. Which is why we built the SPI community, to have you have access to people like you going through this with you. if you want to check it out. Now to tie this all together back to the words passive income, we’re finally here at the end of the SMART framework.

S M A R T. Start fast, market your message, attract your audience, it’s building your email list, revenue, picking a revenue model and going for it, starting small pre selling, and then T, taking back your time with tools and team, asterisk on the team. Because that’s not always required. You don’t have to always just scale up with more people.

In fact, many people have made the mistake of scaling up too fast with team where they no longer are doing the things they love. They are now managers of people. And although that’s great and very rewarding, I can tell you it is also challenging and new for a lot. You need to automate to elevate, right?

You can make passive through automation. So how might you do this? Well, first of all, after your business is up and running and you start to get into a groove, and you’re doing all the things, you’re wearing all the hats, you start to identify which hats could be done by tools.

Or perhaps potentially other people. And there are tools out there that can do a lot of this stuff for us to automate. Creating standard operating procedures are going to help as well. Whether you find tools and or people or not, you can make these things systematic systematized. You can make these things more automatic or at least lean more automated by developing SOPs or standard operating procedures any task that you do again and again. For example editing YouTube videos or publishing a blog post.

These are things that you do repeatedly and you can make optimized you can do it faster by writing it all down and discovering okay, where can you save some time here and there and although you might only save one or two minutes by either removing the script A step that wasn’t needed or combining two steps together or finding something that fills in a gap that usually takes you a lot of time or again, finding a tool in there.

Those minutes add up to hours, add up to days, not just directly through mathematics, but rather the time that you get back can be used and utilized for other things. So it actually is an exponential reward to begin to automate and create standard operating procedures, right? Now there is some balancing that needs to happen.

I know some people, and I fell into this camp for a while where I tried to automate literally everything. I even automated responses on social media for a good couple weeks just to kind of, you know, create bot like responses because I could get myself out of it if I use these tools and I found that because I was not with a personal touch on those posts that were again, automated on social. I’m talking, this is back in 2014, 2015. I tried it. It just didn’t feel right. And my audience didn’t respond. And you’ll notice this a lot on places like LinkedIn, where you’ll see a lot of bot like replies. You’ll see a lot of AI generated posts just to keep up and people can see through that now more than ever.

So balancing automation with a personal touch from you, where it’s still required and you feel as needed is important. This takes us also to potentially hiring a team member and your first hire. And like I said earlier, we’re going to go deeper into each of these different subtopics as the year goes by.

But a great way to take back your time is to have other people hired to do those things that normally took your time. Time spent doing things that you probably shouldn’t do as the founder and CEO or creator and other people can do. What if you hired an editor to film your videos? What if you hired somebody to do your email and handle that for you and the responses and keeping it in your voice?

There is a lot to unpack with hiring team. It is not easy. Finding the right people is hard, but it is so darn rewarding. Rewarding in camaraderie with new people who are behind you to help support the audience that you’re trying to build. But also, friendships, accountability, Keeping each other in check and building and growing things together.

It’s very much a one plus one equals three situation in many cases. So you can take back your time and this is where passive income can come into play. Very active to start, like I said, you got to start fast, selecting a profitable niche and choosing your digital stage. You market your message, you practice your positioning in the market that you’re in, you come up with different ideas, you experiment, you try, you fail, you get up again, you start learning how to tell story in your content, you set up your social media accounts, maybe even a Stan account to start to attract people onto your side to begin to build that email list, right?

A for attract, to set up lead magnets, to begin to start to open up own what you’ve grown and then you start building relationships with other people in the space. You have a specialty and it’s one that can actually work in connection with what they do, not in competition. And then you find that one person who has one problem and you help them solve that one problem with one solution and you start to have confidence from there where you can start to begin to generate revenue.

It’s important that you do that before you generate revenue because if you can’t be confident in what you’re selling or offering, there’s no way that an audience could be confident in what it is that you have to sell or what it is that you’re offering, right? But in the revenue sequence trying to understand, okay, well of the different business models that are out there which one is right for you and playing on your strengths in order to support that and then actually going out there and creating a campaign to sell or try to get a few customers to Begin with and generate one thousand dollars if you could generate 1k, I mean that’s not going to be completely life changing But it may be somewhat life changing for some.

An extra 1,000 a month? That’s huge. That’s your vacation that you’ve always wanted to go on with your family that wasn’t possible before. That’s supporting your groceries. That is supporting gas. A lot of other things can happen as a result of just simply 1,000 per month. And it is absolutely possible.

And remember to celebrate those small wins, even though there’s a lot of people talking about lot larger numbers out there, celebrating those wins for you, because you are in the lane that you’ve chosen and what anybody else is doing, that’s of no concern to you. What is of concern to you as you go along?

And this is a great moment to share. This is this comparison game that starts to happen, right? You versus everybody else who’s also doing this, who maybe have started later than you and is starting to see success. Don’t let those things bother you. You are in your lane with your own stories and experiences on your own path.

And the thing that you need to look for to compare to is yourself. How are you doing today versus yesterday? Have you made decisions to help push you forward today? Have you helped one person today? How are you compared to last month and last year? And if you’re just taking any action, it’s probably a lot better and you are on your way because each fail, each mistake, each step forward is one step closer to realizing that revenue that you definitely deserve for stepping forward into a space and serving that audience.

And then finally, T, taking back your time, finding tools or hiring people to do those things that required a lot of your time and attention, where your time and attention should be spe nt elsewhere. Again, we’ll get that, that topic of hiring team is, is pretty difficult for many, but it’s important and it’s something we’re going to go deeper into later in the year.

So I want to thank you and I want to commend you for taking action. It might be action that you’re about to take or action that you’ve already taken, but it’s not easy. And the fact that you’ve already done that. Means you’re standing out and are different than everybody else out there who’s just listening to these shows just to pass the time and take no action at all.

So great job. Wonderful way to start the year here. And I’d love to start by seeing you in the community as well. So if you go to, we can help you out there. Or if you just aren’t even sure exactly what business to pick yet, I think you should start with our course, Smart From Scratch, We’ll help you choose a niche, get started. We could take it from there, but it’s completely free. Thank you so much. And one smart thing to do is to subscribe because we’ve got a lot more stuff for you as a beginning entrepreneur to help you on your way here this year on the podcast.

So looking forward to seeing you on the next episodes, I’ll see you in the community soon. Cheers. Cheers.

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Smart Passive Income Podcast

with Pat Flynn

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