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SPI 512: Planning for the Future and Finding the Right Help

SPI 512: Planning for the Future and Finding the Right Help

SPI 512: Planning for the Future and Finding the Right Help


      This past week I interviewed Joe Sanok from Practice of the Practice, who is the author of a new book called Thursday is the New Friday. My chat with Joe really got me thinking, “Who created the five-day week anyway, and why is it like that?” I think we’ve all been burnt out by working five days a week and feeling like the weekend isn’t quite long enough. What if we had an extra day? How cool would that be?

      Now, today’s episode is actually going to take a bit of a different angle! But it’s one that was sparked by the episode with Joe. That’s because in thinking about a four-day workweek, I started to wonder: “Okay, four days a week. I could spend the other three days fishing on a boat with my kids, my family, building memories that will last forever. What would it take to make that happen?”

      So that’s what I want to talk about today: how to start making your goals and dreams of the next phase (or next-next phase) of your life a little more possible. Maybe like me your dream is owning a boat, or having a coffee farm in Hawai’i—or probably it’s something entirely different. I’m going to share some personal stories that illustrate how to start finding your path to making those dreams come true—or at least figure out if they make sense.

      Spoiler alert: it means putting yourself out there, and finding the people who can start to point you in the right direction. Now, if fate puts those people in front of you, awesome. But if not, you need to go find them. You need to put yourself out there, and yes, it’s going to get uncomfortable. It’s going to put you out of your comfort zone, but that’s where all the most amazing things happen, right?

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