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Smart Passive Income Podcast
with Pat Flynn
Weekly interviews, strategy, and advice for building your online business the smart way.
Featured Episodes
SPI 501: Niching Down & Leaning In to Your Passion So You Can Make a Profit with Megan Gilger from Fresh Exchange
Gardening expert, podcast host, and community builder at Fresh Exchange
SPI 439: The #1 Most Underrated Way to Grow Your Email List and Brand Today (Let Me “Quiz” You)
Randy Rayess from discusses using quizzes to grow your email list
SPI 517: The Best Way to Start a Successful Business Today with Arvid Kahl
Engineer, entrepreneur, and author of the bestselling book, Zero to Sold
SPI 499: How to Get Your Ideas to Actually Spread with Jeff Goins
Best-selling author of five books including The Art of Work and Real Artists Don’t Starve
SPI 441: Your Relationship with Selling and How to Finally Get Your First Customers with Ramit Sethi
Financial advisor and author of the New York Times bestseller I Will Teach You To Be Rich
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Recent Episodes
SPI 593: Inside an Audience Member’s Business & How It Works with Greg Langston
College is expensive. (Shocker, I know.) But did you know that the “four-year degree” is basically a myth at this point? Fewer than 40 percent of students graduate in four…
SPI 592: How to Market Mindfully with Daphne Gomez
Ever feel like your marketing is too salesy? You’re not alone. The question is, can you promote your business with integrity and still attract customers? Can you stay true to…
SPI 591: Geeking Out on Funnels and High-Ticket Pricing With Rick Mulready
How do people go from first discovering our businesses to spending hundreds of dollars with us? How about thousands of dollars? Is that even possible? Today’s episode is all about…
SPI 590: Share the Platform
In the early days, as Smart Passive Income began to grow, people started asking me if they could guest blog on the site, or guest host on the podcast. Initially…
SPI 589: I Interview the Other Pat Flynn — Talking Business, Sharing the Same Name, and Generalism
On today’s episode I interview the other Pat Flynn, owner of Chronicles of Strength. I like to call him “Kettlebell Pat Flynn.” Why did I bring Pat on? Because we…
SPI 588: Entrepreneurship Is an Energy Game
I was thinking about something the other day: that success as an entrepreneur is largely a game of energy management. You may remember when we had Jim Collins on the…
SPI 587: Keenya Kelly update on TikTok for Business
Today I’m talking with Keenya Kelly about short-form video platforms. Things like Instagram Reels, YouTube Shorts, and specifically TikTok, and how you can use short-form videos to grow your business.…
SPI 586: Excuses
In the 14 years I’ve been an entrepreneur, I still create excuses about why I can’t do certain things or why something I attempt won’t work out. Even if you’re…
SPI 585: Life as a Parent and an Entrepreneur at the Same Time (Caleb had Twins! Let’s catch up)
Today I’m talking with Caleb Wojcik. Caleb and I go way back, and he’s been on the show a couple of times. A while back he talked about creating videos…
SPI 584: Book Writing: The Truth
Let’s talk about books—specifically, writing and publishing them. Creating a book and getting it out into the world is one of the hardest things you can do, and one of…
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