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SPI 079: Time Travel and Book Marketing with Jeff Goins—Strategies to Help You Sell More Books and Spread Your Word

SPI 79: Time Travel and Book Marketing with Jeff Goins—Strategies to Help You Sell More Books and Spread Your Word

SPI 79: Time Travel and Book Marketing with Jeff Goins—Strategies to Help You Sell More Books and Spread Your Word


      In this session of The Smart Passive Income Podcast, I get to do something I’ve always wanted to do:

      Time Travel.

      Let me explain. 🙂

      My good friend, Jeff Goins—a popular Amazon best-selling author, award-winning blogger and speaker who writes at—joins me for what is essentially two sessions in one.

      We talk all about book marketing and promotion, but the cool thing is that the first half of this episode was recorded back in April of 2013, which gave me time to implement the strategies that Jeff shared on the show to help promote my book, Let Go.

      The second half of the show was recorded exactly 2 months later after I took action based off of Jeff’s advice, and Jeff critiques what I did right and what I should have done instead. I did make some mistakes that Jeff talks about that will hopefully be a great learning experience for you as much as it was for me too.

      I had a lot of fun with this one, and after re-listening to it while editing last night, I’m inspired to get back into book writing soon with better direction and experience under my belt.

      This session is not just for people who are writing books or those who may eventually want to become authors—it’s for anyone who wants to sell anything that they’ve put a lot of work into and know will help benefit their audience.

      Thank you Jeff!

      Jeff was incredibly gracious with sharing his knowledge with us! Thank you, Jeff, for all of your help and also for agreeing to come on and do two separate recordings so we could get the time travel effect here, which was awesome! If you have 3 seconds, click on the link below to give a shout out to Jeff on Twitter!

      Click here to thank Jeff on Twitter!

      Leave Me a Voicemail!

      Every once and a while, I’ll be recording podcast episodes that are completely driven and made up of questions asked by you, so if you have any questions you’d like potentially answered on the show, simply record a voicemail over on my Speakpipe Page.

      Help Out the Show!

      And lastly, if you haven’t done so already I would love if you took a minute to leave a quick rating and honest review of the podcast on iTunes by clicking on the link below! It would be extremely helpful for the show and I’m aiming for 1000 5-star ratings before the end of the year! We are currently at 981 5-star ratings, so we’re almost there!

      Thank you in advance!

      Thank you for listening, and I hope you enjoyed this episode. Please let us know what you think in the comment section below. Cheers!

      Today’s Guest

      Jeff Goins

      In today’s show, I’m talking with Jeff Goins about book marketing in a very special time travel episode!

      You’ll Learn

      • The power of a “launch group” or “launch team”, how to form one, and how I initially underutilized mine.
      • Strategies to get more reviews on Amazon (even before it goes live) and why social proof is a MUST.
      • How I went from 40 reviews to over 200 reviews on Amazon in a very short time period.
      • Why it’s important to know that Amazon is the largest “paid” search engine in the world.
      • How to give away copies of your book to the right people, and what else you can ask your tribe to do for you.
      • How Amazon’s Bestseller List works, and how you can climb your way to the top.
      • An old business author trick to get on the best-seller list, which utilizes scarcity.
      • How raising the price of your book can benefit you as an author.
      • Why creating an “event” around your book can help you get more sales.
      • Everything I did right after implementing Jeff’s strategies.
      • Everything I did wrong, including one crucial mistake that drastically affected my overall sales numbers.
      • How a book can be more than just a book, but an entire business instead.
      • Things that Jeff is doing right now to market his new book, The In-Between.
      • Plus much more!

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