In this session of The Smart Passive Income Podcast (actually, you could call it more like a course!) I’m happy to welcome my good friend Clay Collins to the show!
Unlike other podcast sessions where I interview others about their story and how they’ve become successful, Clay and I get deep (and immediately) into tactics and strategies that will help you optimize conversions into your email list.
Why is this so important?
Because it’s much much easier to do things like double your opt-in rates than double your traffic, and over time you’ll find that the more people you put onto your email list, the more traffic you’ll eventually get too.
It’s an email list -> traffic -> email list cycle, and it’s the fastest way to perpetually grow your audience.
This session really does feel like a course, and along with everything that Clay shares on the show, you get a ton of free downloads/giveaways from Clay to help you out, which are linked to near the bottom of this post.
Clay and his team are the masterminds behind LeadPages, which is my favorite marketing tool that I’m using at the moment. I’m currently using it to create my “coming soon” landing page and collect leads for my Food Truck website for Niche Site Duel 2.0, and I’m also using it to quickly setup great looking webinar registration pages and thank you pages here on SPI.
All of the tips and strategies we talk about implementing in this session can be done without the use of LeadPages, and in fact Clay gives away the exact HTML code for the types of pages we mention so you can start implementing right away, but I’m extremely impressed with LeadPages, so much in fact that I agreed to come on as an advisor for Clay’s company, which I’m super stoked about!
I re-listened to this session after our conversation together, and I have to say that this podcast episode definitely gives all others a run for its money as far as the best and most useful podcast session to date! I’ll let you be the judge of that.
Watch the Rapid List-Building 2.0 Webinar Replay!
Clay and I got together in a live training session a week after this podcast went up to talk even more about growing your audience and conversion optimization. The live training event can be watched for free by clicking on the link below—no payments or email addresses required.
FREE Downloadables!

Below is a .zip file that contains all of the free downloadables that Clay mentioned he would include in this podcast session, including:
- A worksheet to help you prepare for Thursday’s “Listbuilding 2.0” webinar
- An HTML template of LeadPages™ current highest converting opt-in page (across thousands of users on the LeadPages platform this template is averaging a 61.72% opt-in rate)
- Examples of successful “lead magnets” (i.e. downloadable resources given away in exchange for the opt-in).
- A landing page template for turning your 404 page into a lead generating opt-in form that builds your list and doesn’t let visitors “leak” through your site.
- An incredibly successful free landing page template for giving away a free report or similar “lead magnet”
- Examples of our most successful “opt-in pages”
- A free webinar registration page template for skyrocketing opt-ins and attendance at your next webinar
- Over 12 other files included to support the discussion between Clay Collins and Pat Flynn (These files include landing page templates, notes, example lead magnets, illustrations, worksheets, etc.)
Click here to download all the resources mentioned above. [Right click and save-as to your desktop]
Win 1 of 3 Lifetime Memberships to LeadPages!
As Clay mentioned on the show, he’s giving away 3 lifetime memberships to LeadPages to the SPI community! Thanks so much Clay!
In order to win, all you have to do is leave a comment below with your best one-sentence resource guide opt-in page HEADLINE, based off of the formula that Clay mentions around the 46:20 mark of the show.
Clay and I will pick three of our favorites and announce the winners on Thursday’s (8/29) Webinar.
The three winners have been selected! Here they are below:
“The Top 5 Job Getting Resume Templates (in MS Word Format) Of This Year (These Are the Resumes My Clients Pay Hundreds of Dollars For)” —Kenneth Lowrey
“Free Report Reveals . . . The Top 4 (FREE) Fundraising Tools You Can Setup In Less Than 10 Minutes To Instantly Double Your School & Club Fundraising Profits (Hint: 90% Of Fundraisers Don’t Know About These)” —Chris Von Wilpert
“Lie-Hacker: The Top 5 Body Language Signals Of Liars. Hack Your Lie-Detection Skills Just By Remembering “FM EGS”.” —Jeremy
CONGRATS to the three winners! Great, great headlines.
If you’re reading this after, it will still be beneficial to practice your opt-in headline—not only because it’s a fun exercise, but because Clay will be coming back to the comment section to reply and help you rewrite your headline copy if you need help.
Remember, you’re not giving away ideas or steps—you’re giving away tools and/or resources. No links in the comments, just your best, compelling one-sentence headline for your opt-in giveaway.
Thank you Clay!
Every once and a while, I like to include quotes from our guests here in the show notes. A couple of my favorite include:
“There is no correlation between the amount of time it takes you to create a lead-magnet, and the opt-in rate that you’re going to get.”
“The biggest killer of conversions is when people think they already know what you’re going to tell them.”
If you enjoyed this session of the SPI Podcast, let Clay know by clicking on the link below and sending him a quick shout out on Twitter:
Click here to thank Clay on Twitter!
Thank you so much for listening! I hope you enjoyed this episode of the podcast!
Today’s Guest
Clay Collins
On today’s show, I’m talking with Clay Collins of LeadPages about all of the strategies needed to optimize your email list.
You’ll Learn
- The highest leverage thing you can do today that will have the biggest impact on your business over anything else you do this month.
- Why you need to create a Resource Guide Opt-in Page.
- The highest converting landing page in Clay’s business and the exact headline he uses.
- Why people prefer getting tools instead of acquiring a new skill.
- Example of “counter-intuitive” headlines and why they work the best.
- How to say the right words to get people to download your opt-in Lead Magnet
- Why it’s a huge loss when people get to a regular 404 page.
- Why you should give something new away with every blog post, and what kinds of things people can opt-in for.
- How individual posts can help you test different types of lead magnets.
- Why putting on a webinar is good – even if no one shows up or generate any business for you.
- What to do on a webinar when you don’t know what to do.
- How webinars are the cure-all for writer’s or content block.
- How adding more steps actually increases opt-in rates.
- The difference between a “giving page” vs. a “taking page” when it comes to your opt-in rates.
- The “Yes Ladder” and why it matters to you.
- Plus much more!
- LeadPages
- eBooks the Smart Way
- SPI Podcast #29 – How to Conduct (and Master) a Webinar with Lewis Howes
- GoToWebinar
- (via Cliff Ravenscraft)