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SPI 065: Go Mobile or Get Left Behind with Greg Hickman of

SPI 65: Go Mobile or Get Left Behind with Greg Hickman of

SPI 65: Go Mobile or Get Left Behind with Greg Hickman of


      In this session of The Smart Passive Income Podcast, I interview mobile marketing expert Greg Hickman of We talk about everything that we as bloggers, online business owners and entrepreneurs need to know about our growing mobile audience and how to better serve them to get better results.

      Beyond sharing exactly why mobile is so vital to our online businesses, he also gives us a ton of actionable tips and how-to strategies that we can implement right now to better utilize (and also grow!) our mobile audience.

      Even though Greg and I have only recently met, he and I have become extremely good friends ever since we hung out together at New Media Expo in Las Vegas this past January. Besides being extremely knowledgable and enthusiastic about mobile marketing, he’s probably one of the nicest guys you could ever meet. I connected with him so well because like me, he really wants to help other people succeed.

      He also likes to rap battle me on Twitter from time to time.

      Greg has been a mobile marketer since 2005—this was a couple of years before the iPhone was introduced, just to give you some perspective. He worked with the New York Jets, the Florida Marlins and a handful of other teams. He’s also done some consulting on using mobile technology for small to medium-sized businesses.

      Now, Greg is here to help us.

      When you really think about it, by not being ready for a mobile audience you are actually doing a huge portion of your audience a big disservice. Often times, the first experience people will have with your brand will be through a smartphone or tablet device. If you don’t cater to them, there’s almost a 50% chance that these potential readers, subscribers and customers will leave and never come back.

      Also, CLICK HERE to give some love to Greg on Twitter!

      Question or Feedback? Leave Me a Voicemail!

      If you have a question you’d potentially like answered on the show, or just feedback in general (constructive criticism and praise is absolutely welcome!), feel free to visit my voicemail page to quickly and easily leave me a message. I’ll feature you and your question on the show!

      Thank you all for checking out this session of the SPI podcast, and finally, if you haven’t done so already, I would love if you took a minute to leave a quick (and honest) rating and review of the show on iTunes by clicking on the link below! It would be extremely helpful!

      CLICK HERE to leave a review for the show. 

      Thanks again for spending some time listening to me today, I appreciate you!

      Cheers! 🙂

      Today’s Guest

      Greg Hickman

      Today I interview mobile marketing expert Greg Hickman of how to better serve the growing mobile audience and get better results.

      You’ll Learn

      • What “going mobile” in your business actually means and why it’s so confusing to a lot of people.
      • Why mobile marketing is the most personal form of marketing today.
      • How podcasting and video play a role in mobile marketing.
      • The number of people who have visited via mobile in the last 30 days and a surprising finding about their visits.
      • The idea behind responsive design and how to make it happen on your own site.
      • How to cater to “fat thumbs”, like mine.
      • The impact of mobile on local search and how that benefits local businesses.
      • The percentage of people that connect to Facebook, Twitter and YouTube via mobile and how that impacts the visitors to your website.
      • The number one thing you should do as a blogger or online business owner to “go mobile.”
      • The hierarchy of mobile needs.
      • Why “pinching and zooming” does not count as being mobile friendly.
      • How to convert people to your email list using mobile.
      • Greg’s thoughts on the WP-Touch WordPress plugin.
      • The incredible impact of mobile on email marketing and tips for getting people to read and click the links in your email on their mobile devices.
      • How to use text messaging to continue the experience your audience has with you after a podcast episode or presentation.
      • Plus a whole lot more!


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