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SPI 520: Let Me Tell You a Story

SPI 520: Let Me Tell You a Story


      This past Wednesday I interviewed Mike Pacchione, who is an amazing speaker and coach. Mike once worked with Nancy Duarte, whose organization helped people like Steve Jobs create presentations. And we all know how wonderful Steve Jobs’s presentations were. Mike is super high caliber when it comes to helping people with their speaking. He even helped me with some of my first presentations back in 2012 and 2013, and he’s completely influenced my entire speaking career.

      Mike and I had a great chat earlier this week about storytelling, so make sure to check out that episode if you haven’t already. Storytelling is absolutely key. It’s one of the most valuable skills you can learn as a content creator. Because great content, that relates to people, that people resonate with, that people share, always has some sort of story at its core.

      That’s why I want to tell you a story today. A few stories, in fact. Stories about the power of storytelling.

      You’ll Learn

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