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SPI 518: Let’s Be Audience Driven

SPI 518: Let's Be Audience Driven


      “Audience driven.”

      It’s a term that has become part of our vocabulary here at Team SPI, and it’s why we put on the Audience Driven Summit earlier this month. An audience-driven approach is the way we’ve always believed a business should be built, and it’s the stance we’re doubling down on today. It’s how we believe all businesses should be created.

      And if you joined us in this Wednesday’s episode, you heard how Arvid Kahl built his own business in the exact same way: you spend some time building an audience first and then you understand, well, what does that audience need help with? What are the biggest struggles that they might be having? And then you figure out, well, how can I get a few of these people some results? What works best for them?

      When you take this approach, you’re not going to know all the answers. But you’ll find them out as you go along. It takes out the guesswork because your path toward a sustainable business is driven by your audience.

      Now, this is very much an opposite approach to how many people think about creating a business. But it’s how we need to be thinking about building businesses today.

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