In this session of the Smart Passive Income Podcast, we continue what we started in SPI Session #24 and bring in 4 more fantastic and inspiring success stories from people who are making a living online and generating a passive income without having to teach others how to make money online.
As I mentioned before, many people think that the only way to really make a living online is to talk about making money online, but these interviews prove that you don’t need to do that.
This Session’s Success Stories Feature
Jordan Cooper of FM Britain
Some of you might already know Jordan Cooper. He has a blog at and you may have read his guest posts on Problogger or Copyblogger. What you probably didn’t know about Jordan (I didn’t!) is that he generates significant passive income from a website in a niche totally outside of the blogging world that involves a video game that I’m sure most of us in the United States have never heard of before. He’s a stand-up guy (and comedian!) who offers some golden advice in this interview.
Cara Faus of Health Home Happy
Cara’s success story is definitely one to admire. She’s not making millions, but she’s changing several lives and is able to support her family while doing so. In this interview Cara shares how GAPS (Gut and Psychology Syndrome) and her daughter inspired her to create a membership site that is helping hundreds of people—primarily through her own grain free meal plans.
David Risley from
I’m sure many of you know who David Risley is. His website at consistently provides some of the most useful blogging and make money online advice on the web.
“But Pat! I thought this session was about people who make money outside of that industry! What’s the deal?!”
The reason I included David in this series is because like myself, like Darren Rowse from, and like most of the other people I know who run successful websites that teach people how to blog and make money online—he first had success (and built proof) outside of this niche, and I recommend that anyone who wants to teach people how to make money online to do the same first.
David shares his journey from the beginning which eventually led him to his very profitable blog at, a technology-based website for normal people.
David being David, he shares some awesome advice for those of us who are just starting to get our feet wet online.
Cornelius Fichtner from (among other things!)
I met Cornelius right when I was first starting to do business online. We are both members of the Internet Business Mastery Academy and I’ve been hooked on his story ever since. It’s been long overdue, but I’m really happy to have Cornelius on the SPI Podcast because he’s doing extremely well online. In the interview, he also shares a HUGE mistake that he made when he first started out that he cannot undo. Those of us doing business online, even if we have a business already, should definitely not miss what he says.
A big thank you to all of the guests on today’s session for their stories and inspiration!
Oh, and just for fun, there’s a surprise guest appearance during this session—a 5th guest—someone who is a very very very special to me.
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Today’s Guest
Pat Flynn
In this session of the Smart Passive Income Podcast, we continue what we started in SPI Session #24 and bring in more success stories from people who are making a living online.
You’ll Learn
- What they were all doing before they started their online businesses, and when and why they decided to go online.
- Monetization techniques.
- The stuggles they experienced while building their online businesses.
- What they each love most about doing business online and earning a passive income.
- And more…