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SPI 138: Meet Team Flynn—My Trip to Columbus and a Big Decision I Need to Make by 2015

SPI 138: Meet Team Flynn—My Trip to Columbus and a Big Decision I Need to Make by 2015

SPI 138: Meet Team Flynn—My Trip to Columbus and a Big Decision I Need to Make by 2015


      Heads up—this episode is going to break the mold.

      I’m veering away from the usual format of the SPI Podcast to bring you something different—and it’s making me completely nervous.

      You might like it or you might hate it. I’m hoping you’ll love it. I’m not sure, but you know me—I like to experiment and try new things and see how they work (or not).

      I’d love to hear your input after listening to this episode.

      This week, I’m giving you a little glimpse behind the scenes and into the future of Smart Passive Income, and I’m doing it in the style of a podcast that I’ve recently been pulling inspiration from—Startup by Alex Blumberg.

      Alex’s ability to storytell via audio is amazing. He comes from the world of NPR and one of the top podcasts in the world, This American Life, and I wanted to see what it would be like to tell a story in a similar fashion.

      Many of you know I recently made a trip to Columbus, OH to meet my team and plan for 2015. On the trip, I decided to turn on the voice recorder on my iPhone and capture some of those conversations, and after hours of editing (seriously, this style of podcasting takes a load of time!), I’m excited to share this story, this account of my trip with you.

      You’ll meet Team Flynn and some of the amazing people I work with and met in Columbus who are helping me in one way or another. You’ll also get into my brain and hear about why I decided to hire a team, and where the inspiration came from, and the struggles and limiting beliefs I’ve had to deal with along the way.

      We’ve got big plans for 2015, and I can’t wait for you to hear what we’ve got cooking.

      Realizing I needed a team was a big moment. I want you to hear first-hand how we made it happen, and how crucial a team can be to growing your brand. I hope this peek into my process sparks some inspiration in you, too, to figure out what big thing you want to accomplish in 2015.

      I also want to share some big news with you! I have a major decision I need to make by December 31st, 2014, and I want you to be in on it. Take a listen, and let me know what you think.

      Thanks for Listening!

      Thanks for joining me again this week. I want to hear from you in the comment section!

      Beyond what you thought about this style of podcast, what’s the big thing you want to accomplish in 2015? What milestones are you setting for yourself? Share them with me in the comments below.

      Also, a few of you know I’ve been sharing a resource for goal setting (and execution) so I can have the best year ever next year—a series of amazing videos from Michael Hyatt that I invite you to watch too: this is what I’m going to use to crush my goals next year.

      If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the bottom of the post.

      Also, please leave an honest review for The SPI Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and I read each and every one of them.

      If you have any questions (or would like answers to hear previously submitted voicemail questions!), head on over to This bite-sized show has over two million downloads and counting!

      And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunes to get automatic updates.

      Thanks for listening in this week. It’s been a huge pleasure to introduce you to Team Flynn, and I can’t wait for what 2015 has in store. Until next time!

      Today’s Guest

      Team Flynn

      Today’s episode takes you behind the scenes and into the future of Smart Passive Income!

      You’ll Learn

      • What the power of a team can do for your brand.
      • Words of wisdom from the stars of Team Flynn.
      • Why you shouldn’t be afraid of outsourcing, and how to make it work for you.
      • What’s next for Team Flynn in 2015.
      • What’s so special about Columbus, Ohio, and more!


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      with Pat Flynn

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