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SPI 133: Gary Vaynerchuk on “Right Hooks,” Physical Products, Book Publishing, App Marketing, and More

SPI 133: Gary Vaynerchuk on “Right Hooks,” Physical Products, Book Publishing, App Marketing, and More

SPI 133: Gary Vaynerchuk on “Right Hooks,” Physical Products, Book Publishing, App Marketing, and More


      I’m incredibly excited to welcome back Gary Vaynerchuk to the show!

      Gary Vee has had a significant impact on my business personally, from the moment I picked up and read Crush It, to when I interviewed him for SPI Podcast Session #89 and he called me out on some things I wasn’t doing on social media. Since that point, I implemented his tips and have seen drastic results from them ever since.

      His new show, #AskGaryVee (which can be found on YouTube as a video show or iTunes as a podcast), is my latest personal subscription. I’m very much enjoying the various types of questions he’s answering from his own audience every single day.

      I wanted to have Gary back on the show to ask him a lightning round of questions—and no, I didn’t ask him anything about the New York Jets (his favorite NFL team). I wanted him to be in a good mood during the interview.

      If you’d like to ask Gary a question that could potentially be featured in his podcast, send him a tweet and use the hashtag #AskGaryVee so he and his peeps see it. Per Gary’s suggestion, also include the hashtag #PatFlynnRocks so he pays even more attention to it. Click here to create a tweet with the hashtags already in place for you.

      You Rock!

      Thanks again for listening to the podcast!

      Please leave an honest review and rating on iTunes! They are extremely helpful and I read each and every one of them.

      If you have any questions for me (or would like to hear answers to previously submitted voicemail questions from people like you), head on over to This bite-sized podcast is just short of 2.5 million total downloads!

      If you have any tips, suggestions or comments about this episode, please be sure to leave them below in the comment section of this post, and if you liked the episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the bottom of the post!

      Cheers, and thank you!

      P.S. At the end of the episode, I share a little insider information about an experiment that I’m running to promote this podcast episode. The results of that experiment will be shared here (either directly or with a link to another episode) after a week and enough data has been collected.

      Update: I wrote an entire post talking about this experiment and sharing the results! Click here to check it out now.

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