The brilliant Chalene Johnson explores how to “serve, not sell,” and shares her strategies for pitching your products with confidence.
In my June 2017 monthly income report, I break down how I used email and Facebook ads to sell my most recent course, Smart From Scratch.
Starting a podcast changed my life and my business. In this episode of the SPI Podcast, I walk you through seven ways a podcast can change your business.
Starting your podcast is easier than you think. Here’s how to push past the fear and get your podcast started now!
Each month I publish a report of my income and business activities. Here are the lessons I learned in May 2017, when I moved into a new office.
Welcome to my April 2017 monthly income report. Here are the lessons I learned, including a big one about the importance of creating my own courses.
Here today is online advertisement expert Rick Mulready, sharing the secrets and strategies behind growing your business with Facebook ads.
Welcome to my March 2017 monthly income report. I learned a big lesson about having the confidence to sell this month—and it made a huge impact on my income.
Welcome to my February 2017 monthly income report! It was a busy month with the launch of new free resources and a paid course.
In this month’s income report, I talk about planning for 2017 launches (including the Smart from Scratch relaunch) and reading biographies for inspiration.