Search results for: “business”

  • SPI 717: Making Money in an Economy that Hates You with Chris Guillebeau

    You can’t know which of your ideas will take off before you try them. That’s why taking asymmetrical risks—where the potential upside is much greater than your investment—is essential to […]

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  • SPI 716: The Moment I Knew Podcasting Was Going to Change My Life

    I bought the equipment to start recording a podcast in 2008—but I was scared. In fact, putting my voice out there was so frightening that I didn’t publish anything until […]

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  • We’ll Update Which Emails We Send You

    Knowing about you and your business is so helpful. When we know what you care about, it allows us to tailor the advice we send—so that we can tell you […]

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  • Privacy Policy

    Modification Date: August 16, 2023 Effective Date: February 19, 2020 Hi. Pat here. Just like you, I care about the use of my personal information online, so it is only […]

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  • Terms of Use

    Last Modified September 28, 2022 1. Binding Effect. This is a binding agreement. By using the Internet site located at (the “Site” or “Service”) or any services provided in […]

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  • SPI Community Guidelines

    The Dos Be Kind Be kind to each other.Use welcoming and inclusive language, be respectful to others’ viewpoints and culture, even when they differ from your own. This includes how […]

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  • Cookie Policy

    Welcome to the Cookie Policy. This Cookie Policy details information you need to know regarding our cookie practices. What Are Cookies? Cookies are tiny files that are downloaded to […]

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  • Affiliate Disclaimer

    Hi. Pat Flynn, founder of SPI, here. I’ve always believed in transparency on the web and so I am disclosing that I’ve included certain products and links to those products […]

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  • Earnings Disclaimer

    Hi. Pat here. In launching this site, I’ve tried to be as transparent as possible while assuming that you are a reasonable person who uses common sense. To this end, […]

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  • Guides for Entrepreneurs

    Our free guides are your fast track to learning the ropes Join our list so you never miss out when we update a guide or publish a new one. Plus, […]

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