The seven words that can hold you back more than any others are: “It is faster to do it myself.” This kind of short-term thinking leads to burnout and stunts […]
Hustle culture has tricked many of us into sacrificing our personal lives for financial success. But do we really have to choose business over everything else to reach our goals? […]
Too often, creators focus on profit instead of the value they provide their audience. But this is the first step toward building a successful business: making sure your products actually […]
When your business is optimized, you hit a button and money happens. But, many entrepreneurs make mistakes that stop them from reaching that level. I’m no different, and it really […]
If your business doesn’t bring in enough cash, you can’t help your clients, employees… or anyone. So how do you reverse engineer a big economic objective and build a profitable […]
Your network is your net worth. That is to say, who you choose to surround yourself with can either support your growth or deplete your energy. When was the last […]
Without building a community around your brand, you’ll be left behind. That’s the flag I’m planting in the ground, the line I’m drawing in the sand. But for your business, […]
Budgeting is a scary word for a lot of people. We’re so used to instant gratification now that putting off the lifestyle we want feels like an impossible task. But […]