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SPI 319: How to Work Less & Make More with James Schramko

SPI 319: How to Work Less & Make More with James Schramko

SPI 319: How to Work Less & Make More with James Schramko


      James Schramko is as passionate about surfing as he is about working less, earning more, and helping people learn how to do exactly that. If you’ve ever wanted to design a truly fulfilling lifestyle, you’re going to want to take notes, because that’s what James is all about.

      James has been rocking it in online business for ten years now, and quite literally surfing the world at the same time. He’s been able to design the lifestyle he always wanted, but that didn’t happen overnight, and James strives to share what he’s learned. Whenever I hear him speak I’m at peak attention—his methods and mindsets are so powerful and inspirational.

      James is also the author of the new book Work Less, Make More, and that title pretty much sums up what he’s all about. James has shaped the lives of thousands of people by helping them build the lifestyles that they want to live. On today’s show, James describes how he went from being a top BMW salesman to owning his own business and redesigning his lifestyle. He lays down useful methods for reinvesting in your business, directing cash flow, and the business models he used to create a 99.9 percent recurring customer base. He also addresses the obstacles one might face when getting started and offers mindsets and tips for tackling them head-on.

      This episode is stuffed with so many amazing takeaways, I might even recommend listening twice. Enjoy!

      Thanks for Listening!

      To share your thoughts:

      To help out the show:

      Special thanks to James Schramko for joining me this week. Until next time!

      Today’s Guest

      James Schramko

      Learn how to design a fulfilling business and lifestyle with James Schramko, author of Work Less, Make More.

      You’ll Learn


      Note: Some of the resources below may be affiliate links, meaning I receive a commission (at no extra cost to you) if you use that link to make a purchase.

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