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SPI 276: The Art of Significance with Dan Clark

SPI 276: The Art of Significance with Dan Clark


      This week, I’m honored to welcome legendary speaker Dan Clark to the show for a truly inspirational conversation on the art of significance. Dan generously sat down with me to discuss success, service, and making a difference in the world, and I’m thrilled to share that conversation with you today.

      Dan’s career includes a jaw-dropping number of achievements. He’s one of the top ten motivational speakers in the world. He’s written over 30 books. He’s led multiple successful businesses. He’s even been to space. Despite his many lofty accomplishments, however, Dan is all about the basics, and that’s what he explores with me today.

      In this episode, I ask Dan what motivates him, why he feels compelled to serve, how he attracts new opportunities, and how he approaches setbacks. You’ll also hear some incredible stories from his days as a football player, his time on the road as a speaker, and his experience viewing Earth from space. Dan’s understanding of the universe is closely connected to his astonishing work ethic, and it’s something every entrepreneur should hear.

      Join me as I pick the brain of this inspirational entrepreneur—you’ll love what he has to say.

      Thanks for Listening!

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      Special thanks to Dan for joining me this week. Until next time!

      Today’s Guest

      Dan Clark

      Legendary speaker Dan Clark joins me for an inspirational conversation on success, service, and leading a life of significance.

      You’ll Learn

      • Dan’s inspirational journey to becoming one of the best speakers in the world.
      • What constitutes a “life of significance” for entrepreneurs.
      • What can happen to your career when you place service before self.
      • What going to space taught Dan about what really matters in life.
      • How the kinds of peers and mentors you seek out impact your business success.
      • The surprising story behind Dan’s day with Muhammad Ali, and more!


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