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SPI 312: This “Hole” Can Cost Entrepreneurs Thousands—Let’s Fix It

SPI 312: This “Hole” Can Cost Entrepreneurs Thousands—Let’s Fix It

SPI 312: This “Hole” Can Cost Entrepreneurs Thousands—Let’s Fix It


      Today’s guest is Casey Graham, the founder of Gravy, a company that’s filling a huge hole for businesses. The thing is, a lot of people don’t even know that hole exists.

      It takes a lot of effort to go back and recover failed payments. That’s what Casey and his team at Gravy do, and they do it very well. When I started working with Casey I didn’t even realize how much I needed him and his service. But he’s helped me recover tens of thousands of dollars. Read that sentence again. Yeah—this is that important. That money would have been lost if it weren’t for Casey. I didn’t even know that stuff was happening.

      Casey’s giving us a huge wealth of information today. A lot of what he’s talking about, even if you don’t have a business yet—it’s so good to know. This is stuff that doesn’t get talked about very often. That’s what we’re all about here on SPI: filling in the gaps. Casey’s going to talk about failed payments and why they happen and how he and his team are able to recover those payments. He’ll even give you some tips and strategies for preventing failed payments from happening in your own business. You could be losing a lot of money through failed payments and I don’t want that to happen, so let’s get started!

      A lot of you have been asking, “Hey Pat, how do I start a podcast?” It’s a question I get all the time. Well, here’s an awesome answer: my brand-new, free three-day course, How to Start a Podcast. It’s right there for you at (How lucky did I get with that url?)

      If you didn’t know, I also have a premium podcasting course for those of you who want to dive deeper, who want to get the marketing aspect and the scaling of podcasting down to a science. You can check that out at

      Thanks for Listening!

      To share your thoughts:

      To help out the show:

      Special thanks to Casey Graham for joining me this week. Until next time!

      Today’s Guest

      Casey Graham

      Learn how you could recover thousands of dollars from failed payments and prevent them from happening thanks to today’s guest, Casey Graham of Gravy.

      You’ll Learn


      Note: Some of the resources below may be affiliate links, meaning I receive a commission (at no extra cost to you) if you use that link to make a purchase.

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