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SPI 064: Podcasting for More Exposure, Leads, and Money (My SMMW13 Presentation!)

SPI 64: Podcasting for More Exposure, Leads, and Money (My SMMW13 Presentation!)

SPI 64: Podcasting for More Exposure, Leads, and Money (My SMMW13 Presentation!)


      In this session of The Smart Passive Income Podcast, I re-record the live presentation I recently did at Social Media Marketing World, a conference that took place here in my hometown of San Diego earlier this month.

      As many of you know, me and technology don’t get along very well during my public speaking appearances. Although there weren’t any technical issues that affected my presentation, someone apparently unplugged the recording device at the conference during my talk to charge their laptop or mobile device. So, my session was one of the only ones that was not recorded at the event.

      Of course, lol!

      On the bright side, this gave me the opportunity to re-record the session and tailor it just for those of you who listen to the podcast and read the blog. You’ll even get an insider view of some of the presentation techniques I used during my talk, since I did interact with the crowd and did some things during my session to further emphasize important points, which I can’t actually do during the podcast.

      In today’s episode, you’ll hear me talk all about podcasting, more specifically:

      1. How to get more exposure to your podcast and
      2. How to get your listeners to take action.

      Podcasting has become such an important and integral part of my overall branding strategy, so much so that earlier this year I decided to switch from publishing 2 podcasts per month, to 1 per week, a decision that has already proved to be well worth the extra effort. More and more people are discovering my brand through my podcast, and it continues to be the number one way that people discover me, more than SEO, Social Media, YouTube and links from other sites.

      At the conference, it was even said during the opening keynote that podcasting is the hottest trend in content creation and social media right now!

      If you are interested in starting your podcast, but you have yet to get around to it, I’ve made it really easy for you. You can check out my 100% free Podcasting Tutorial (no emails or opt-ins required) that has already helped hundreds of people already start their podcast.

      Question or Feedback…Leave Me a Voicemail!

      If you have a question you’d potentially like answered on the show, or just feedback in general (constructive criticism and praise is absolutely welcome!), feel free to visit my voicemail page to quickly and easily leave me a message.

      Help the Show!

      I would love if you took a minute to leave a quick rating and review of the podcast on iTunes by clicking on the link below! It would be extremely helpful for the show!

      Leave a review for Pat’s podcast!

      Thank you again for your support, and I wish you all the best!

      Cheers! 🙂

      You’ll Learn

      • Why podcasting is the most powerful content delivery medium available today.
      • How to properly optimize your show to increase search engine rankings in iTunes (and Google).
      • 1 Tip about your podcast artwork that can change everything.
      • How to leverage other podcasts for more exposure to your own, even without being mentioned on those shows.
      • The formula for a high ranking podcast in iTunes.
      • How to get listeners to keep listening to your show, even if it’s over an hour long.
      • 5 Tips to keep people engage during your episodes.
      • How to get people to share your show with others.
      • How not providing show notes is actually hurting your show.
      • A secret strategy to get listeners to take action, even when they aren’t in front of a computer or mobile device.
      • Plus much more..

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      Smart Passive Income Podcast

      with Pat Flynn

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