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SPI 218: Starting an Online Course? Best Practices and Getting People to Follow Through with Ankur from

SPI 218: Starting an Online Course? Best Practices and Getting People to Follow Through with Ankur from

SPI 218: Starting an Online Course? Best Practices and Getting People to Follow Through with Ankur from


      My guest today is the creator of an online platform that’s become an essential part of my business. He’s Ankur Nagpal, and that platform is

      I’ve talked a lot about how great online courses can be for evangelizing your business, building community, growing your customer base, and providing massive amounts of value to your audience. Ankur believes this too, which is why he built a platform that makes it easier for course creators to find their ideal audience—and create income in the process.

      Today, Ankur’s sharing everything he’s learned about what makes a successful online course and the most common mistakes he sees first-time course creators make. You’ll also learn about Teachable’s creation, from its early successes to the roadblocks it encountered along the way.

      I love Teachable—I’m even using it now for my free Will It Fly? companion course—and I love what online courses can do for entrepreneurs and their audiences. Listen in, and learn why.

      Thanks for Listening!

      Thanks so much for joining me again this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below!

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      Also, please leave an honest review for The SPI Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and I read each and every one of them.

      If you have any questions (or would like answers to hear previously submitted voicemail questions!), head on over to This bite-sized show has over two million downloads and counting!

      And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunes to get automatic updates.

      Special thanks to Ankur for joining me this week. Until next time!

      Today’s Guest

      Ankur Nagpal

      My guest today is the founder and CEO of, a platform that helps online course creators like me make money providing valuable instruction to their audience.

      You’ll Learn

      • Everything that goes into a great online course.
      • Strategies for turning your students into customers.
      • The biggest obstacle for first-time course creators—it’s simpler than you think.
      • The secret to pricing your course.
      • Tips for reinvigorating students who drop off or lose interest.
      • Habits of a successful Teachable course instructor.
      • Tips for launching your course on Teachable.
      • Stories from the early days of Teachable’s creation, and more!


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