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SPI 039: Changing Lives and Getting Paid with Niched iPhone Apps — Success Story, Interview Series 4

SPI 39: Changing Lives and Getting Paid with Niched iPhone Apps—Success Story, Interview Series 4

SPI 39: Changing Lives and Getting Paid with Niched iPhone Apps—Success Story, Interview Series 4


      In this session of the Smart Passive Income Podcast I’m super stoked to feature another success story interview, this time with someone who has built a very successful iPhone apps business in a very tight niche.

      His name is Mike Doonan from Speech With Milo, and what makes him and his iPhone apps special is that he’s building apps that are changing people’s lives, and he’s making a good living doing so—to the tune of 5-figures a month!

      With how crowded the app market is today (and any market—not just the mobile app market), creating something unique and dominating a specific niche within a niche is a great way to go, just like Mike and his wife did.

      I can honestly say that the information in this podcast is the best information I have on this blog about iPhone apps.

      Mike graciously volunteered his story to share, educate and inspire people here in the podcast, and I could tell that he really wanted to make sure he was helpful and honest about the app business too.

      He actually messaged me after our call saying that we forgot cover something extremely important that he thought everyone should do when getting into the app business, which was really nice of him.

      You’ll hear that important “follow-up” tip at the end of the podcast.

      Mike and his wife are getting paid by making the world a better place, and that’s awesome.

      Mike, if you’re reading this—I know the entire SPI community here wishes you, your wife and your applications even more success, and I’m so happy that you’re being rewarded for your good deeds.

      Thank you all for listening!

      Please subscribe to the podcast using the links below and look out for another success story in the next episode that is “out of this world”.

      Hint hint. 😉

      Cheers, and all the best!

      Please subscribe below to the podcast to get automatic updates for your device:

      Today’s Guest

      Mike Doonan

      I’m super stoked to feature another success story interview, this time with someone who has built a very successful iPhone application business in a very tight niche.


      Speech With Milo

      You’ll Learn


      Note: Some of the resources below may be affiliate links, meaning I receive a commission (at no extra cost to you) if you use that link to make a purchase.

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