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SPI 454: The Most Impactful Podcast Episodes of 2020 (and a Look Forward)

SPI 454: The Most Impactful Podcast Episodes of 2020 (and a Look Forward)

SPI 454: The Most Impactful Podcast Episodes of 2020 (and a Look Forward)


      I want you to step into the DeLorean with me for a moment, because we’re going back in time all the way to January . . . of 2020.

      Month by month, I’m going to recap some of the amazing lessons I learned right here in 2020. These are the most impactful podcast episodes of 2020 on the Smart Passive Income Podcast. I’m also just going to recap some of the struggles, the challenges, the adventures, and the wins for me and Team SPI in 2020.

      Think of this episode as a guide to the year, in terms of SPI podcast episodes. From deeply personal and heartfelt stories to actionable advice and expert strategies for everything from email marketing to TikTok, this shortlist of 17 episodes has something for everyone. Below, you’ll find links for all the episodes I talk about on the show.

      This may have been a doozy of a year but looking back on these episodes, there’s a ton to be grateful for too. Here’s to 2021!

      You’ll Learn

      SPI’s Most Impactful Podcast Episodes of 2020:


      SPI 454: The Most Impactful Podcast Episodes of 2020 (and a Look Forward)

      Welcome to the Smart Passive Income Podcast, where it’s all about working hard now, so you can sit back and reap the benefits later. And now your host — at one point when he was younger, he thought Ghost was one of the scariest movies out there — Pat Flynn!

      Pat Flynn:
      Whew. 2020. 2020 was a ride, and a crazy one at that. But here at the end of the year, we have literally two days left at the time that this episode goes live. And I wanted to spend some time with you going back into time in fact, in the DeLorean, traveling all the way back to January 1st, 2020, before all the craziness began, in fact. We’re going to go month by month, and I’m just going to recall some of the conversations, some of the lessons, some of the challenges, some of the struggles, some of the things that we’ve overcome, some of the possibilities, some of the opportunities that have since come around during this year. And as we go into 2021, I want to wish you all the best. I want to thank you so much for being here and for being a subscriber, for being a fan, for all the positive comments and all the constructive criticisms that have come my way this year.

      I think all of us have had a lot to learn and have had a lot to deal with for sure. And of course, it is those who understand that no matter what happens, that there are possibilities, that there are opportunities. Those of you who have taken on to those and taken hold of those opportunities, I want to congratulate you. And that doesn’t mean if you didn’t, that all is lost, because guess what’s coming around the corner? A brand new year, 2021, and I’m looking forward to spending it with you.

      We have a lot of great episodes coming your way. In fact, somebody who is one of the only podcasts that I listened to, he will be coming on the show at the first of the year. He’s a surprise guest and I’m really excited to share how he’s been able to combine both podcasting in the audio format that we all know and YouTube. In fact, his YouTube channel’s doing even better than his audio podcast. And again, like I said, he’s somebody that I listened to daily. I can’t wait to introduce him to you as well as the many, many guests that we’ve already had on to record and are ready and edited and coming your way. So if you haven’t yet done so, make sure you hit that subscribe button.

      But I want to go back in time. I want to take the DeLorean back to January 1st and month by month, I just want to kind of go over the setlist, if you will, and some of the highlights. I mean, every episode had highlights, for sure. And of course you can always go to any of the sessions. You can go to to check out the archive or even the archive inside of the app that you’re listening to right now. But I wanted to remind you about some of the things that we discussed, some of the challenges that we had, and the topics that we discussed, in case you want to go back and listen to them. We may be pulling clips from these episodes as well, if there are any special moments, and I can’t wait to share them with you.

      So let’s in fact, go back to January 1st, where we had a conversation with a very, very well-known author. His name is Patrick Lencioni. Very sort of Italian, right? Lencioni. I don’t know if that’s in fact how you pronounce it, but what I can pronounce is the fact that his book, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, it was one of the best reads that I’ve had in the past couple years. Most useful for me, especially as a new leader for a new team. We ended up acquiring a company to take on that team and actually hire them as employees for Team SPI.

      It is now known as SPI Media. Flynndustries has branched off and it’s become the YouTube channel, my books, and my workshops, my coaching, anything that I do specifically just me, is at Flynndustries. SPI Media is now this company and you have gotten to meet several of the other team members this year. From Matt to everybody, has stepped up this year on Team SPI. And a big shout out to Team SPI for continuing the mission to support you, the entrepreneur, and help you get closer to achieving your goals and making it easier for you and making you feel connected. And hopefully a sense of belonging with that as well.

      But episode 404 with Patrick Lencioni was so good. And I had so many comments. I mean, it was a perfect way to start the year, because I know a lot of you had been building your teams too. And if you are going to build your team in 2021, that’s definitely one to listen to. His book, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, we in fact read it as a team before I brought Patrick on the show, and that was just like, that was just solidifying everything that we had learned together as a team reading his book. And what this book tells you are different scenarios and ways and things that teams must have in order for the teams to work. And if there’s not trust, if there’s not … I’m not going to cover the book specifically here, but again, I would highly recommend reading the book and listening to that episode. We do cover all five of those dysfunctions. And I remember just such a professional conversation that we had. And Patrick having so much experience helping Fortune 100 companies, Fortune 500 companies and so many of our friends, definitely one to follow for sure.

      Mid-month in January, we also spoke about email marketing. Email marketing was a big component of the year. We had launched our course that we had beta tested at the end of 2019 called Email Marketing Magic. And then we launched it publicly at the beginning of 2020. And we had some podcasts episodes to support that. In fact, episode 406 was about the seven do’s and don’ts of email marketing success. So we talked about 14 things essentially: seven things you should do and seven things you shouldn’t do. And if you haven’t yet started your email, you have to do it in 2021. I mean, you know what? I’ve had the pleasure of watching a lot of my friends get very, very adamant about things they truly believe in and how much their brand has grown because people become sensitive to what they preach and what they say and what they become known for. And I have to say that there are two things … I mean, there’s many things that I say, but a requirement to succeed in business today, in my opinion, is having an email list.

      I’m also very adamant about building superfans and not just focusing on the numbers and the credit card numbers behind each of those numbers and the potential subscriber, reader, follower, listener, viewer, but the human behind it too. But with email marketing, it’s still a direct connection to your audience, especially as a lot of people in the startup space has been calling out Facebook and YouTube for putting up “walled gardens” where yes, we might get a subscriber, we might get a follower, but yet our messages don’t even get across to them because we either have to pay to play or know exactly how the algorithm works. And with email, yes, you’re still competing, but you’re not competing with algorithms. You’re competing with other people who are emailing them too. So, do definitely focus on creating really good subject lines. Don’t use words that trigger your email to spam. So just a little bit of a preview there, make sure to go listen to episode or session 406.

      All of these and the short links to the show notes page and of course, I’ll remind you with the numbers. Patrick Lencioni, 404. Do’s and Don’ts of Email Marketing, 406. If you go to, that’ll take you directly to that episode, in case you’re curious. It will take you to the show notes and all the links and all that kind of stuff. Anyway, we had launched Email Marketing Magic, over 300 people came in and it was definitely a wonderful way to start the year. This is actually … That was in February when we launched the course. It went so well that because of all the time and effort I put into launching it, I didn’t have time to shave. And as a result of a launching really successfully, I decided that I wasn’t going to shave my beard until the next launch. And I called it for a while, my lucky launch beard.

      And for anybody who has seen me on YouTube or Instagram lately, you know that this year I’ve had a beard, but I did not shave it off. I still have it at the time of this recording. I don’t know when I’m going to shave it off, but we’ll see. But this thing that became the lucky launch beard eventually turned into the COVID beard and myself and several other people have since grown beards. First of all, I didn’t even know it was possible for me.

      Anyway, enough beard talk. Let’s talk about February. So we had this very successful launch, but amidst the podcast archive during this time, on February 12th, episode 410, we invited a man on the show, his name, Mark Bowness. and Mark had a very, very emotional story.

      He is known for helping people build tribes, especially on Facebook, having communities and using Facebook groups to grow them. I highly recommend—if you are involved in creating Facebook groups and you want to really understand what it’s like to build a culture there and have a sense of belonging and tribe, which is of course what I talk about in my book, Superfans quite a bit. And he takes it to a whole new level. He was very close to taking his life at one point. He was rock bottom. The title of the episode, How Building a Tribe Took this Man from Rock Bottom to Massive Business Success. And Mark who is out of Australia, had done some amazing things to bring people together and as a result was not just able to save his own life, but save other lives too. And that was a very emotional story. It’s just coming to mind as I’m looking at the list of episodes that came out this past year.

      Then in March … March was a interesting time. We had launched Power-Up Podcasting again, and that was really exciting. Mid launch—and this was right after Social Media Marketing World, I had just seen my best friend, Chris Ducker, and everything was fine. They were just talking about it at the event, “Hey, fist bumps and elbow bumps only because this thing is happening over in China.” And then all of a sudden, after Social Media Marketing World, the lockdowns. And this is when we had to actually pull back from our promotions. We had all these emails, we had everything going and automated. And of course, we just couldn’t ignore what was happening in the world so we pulled back our marketing efforts to be sensitive to what was happening. We didn’t want to be tone deaf and we wanted to lead by example in that case. And we didn’t know what was going to happen and I don’t think anybody else did.

      And it was interesting because at the end of the month, we invited a good friend of mine, Grant Baldwin, on the show. And Grant was talking about presentations and how you can prepare for your presentation. That was a very memorable episode for me, because we had discussed as if you were going to do your first presentation, you the listener. And we had said, “Okay, let’s play the scenario, a listener, they’re going to the event for the first time. What should they do to prepare? What should they do when they get there? What are things they should do when they get on stage?” And that was interesting because of course, now, stages are completely different. The stage is now virtual. I’ve switched from doing a lot of keynote presentations in person. I had to cancel all of my chats, all of my talks, and I’ve been doing a lot of virtual conferences, and a lot of the same stuff still applies.

      Grant came out with a new book and I highly recommend listening to this episode, if you want to get introduced to this world of public speaking. And now the cool thing about this is public speaking is now more able to be available to more people. It’s much more accessible because now we don’t have to travel. I found that this was the case as well when I hired Brittney Lynn, who is a student of mine. She was in my Accelerator program. That program has since ended. And she had helped me with PR. And this is fast forwarding a little bit to July and August, but PR and getting on television to do news shows was very simple because worldwide, or nationwide at least, everybody was just calling in from Zoom or Skype. And so I was able to get access to Washington, to Oregon, to Florida, and Arizona. And I was seen in news channels everywhere. And a lot of the story on those interviews were about how I got laid off in 2008. And now in 2020, 12 years later, massive layoffs, record numbers of unemployment, and a lot of people struggling.

      So Brittney was able to position the story in a way where my story from ‘08 was very helpful because I wanted to present to you, all of you and everybody who is watching on these news channels, that this was an opportunity. This was a time that we now have to make a decision on what our future is going to be like. Do we want to choose to make a decision and go down the path of “woe is me and I’m just going to wait around for things to happen,” or are we going to grasp and take hold of the opportunities that are in front of us? And so big shout out and thank you to my PR person, Brittney Lynn. You can find her at

      Now, let’s head into April. April, things were getting kind of crazy again. We, again, didn’t know what was happening. A lot of school-related decisions were being made. I remember at the time, we had thought that the kids would be back in school by Easter. And of course that didn’t happen. And they’re still not back in school at this point, even at the end of December here. We’ll see what 2021 brings, but we’re definitely playing it safe. And I know a lot of people were playing it safe too. So big shout out to teachers for being adaptable and getting into this new world that we’ve never been in before and still doing your best to teach and educate our kids. And I know it’s been a struggle for sure. This is why on the Income Stream, every single dollar and Super Chat that was donated on the Income Stream — this is a donation that can come in through my YouTube channel — was donated to teachers in September, October, November, and December.

      If you are a teacher, thank you for what you do. This year has been crazy, but in addition to helping kids learn, you’re also adaptable. And I want to commend you for that. I want to recognize you for that and thank you for doing what you do.

      Going back to April, I was really excited to chat with Jordan Harbinger. Jordan Harbinger is somebody who … You might remember, he was on the show a year and a half ago, about how he was laid off essentially from his own team. He got let go from his own … So he was the host of the Art of Charm podcast, and his own team members kicked him out of the business. And he was sort of like, left to figure things out. And it was Jordan and the connections that he had, the relationships that he had built that allowed him to ask for help to a point where it wasn’t weird, but it was just what a friend would do to a friend. And now Jordan and his show, the Jordan Harbinger Show is doing even better and he’s awesome. And he was able to have the amazing late Kobe Bryant on the show before Kobe passed away. And that was a tough time.

      I mean, we had so much stuff happened in 2020, right? From the fires in Australia to kick off the year, to COVID and just everything, right? There was so much stuff. And Jordan, he was on the show to talk about how he’s able to get high profile guests on your podcast or how to have them as guests on your show, if it’s a video show. So that happened early April in episode 418. And Jordan and I have continued to stay connected with each other, primarily because we are now both advisors to Squadcast [Full Disclosure: I am a compensated advisor and an affiliate for Squadcast]. Squadcast is really amazing. It is a tool that you can use to record interviews over the internet. It’s cool because it’s very simple to use. It records the highest quality audio, way better than Zoom, way better than Skype. It’s what I use to record all my interviews. I highly recommend checking it out.

      If you do want to check it out, And if it hasn’t happened already, they should have video recording capability too. They’re literally in the middle of the final pieces of the beta right now, at the time of this recording. So by the time you’re listening to this, it might be out already. Jordan and I are a member of a team of advisors there who are offering our help, and it’s a tool that I use all the time and I absolutely, absolutely love it.

      Now, let’s go to May. In May, we had some really, really amazing women on the show. And to start off the month, we had Prerna, who in fact was somebody who helped me with the copywriting on some of my sales pages. So if you are looking to sell something, you might want to know, well, what should you do on a sales page? And we talk about uncommon sales page components. So a lot of people talk about, okay, the headline and we structured it and it’s supposed to connect with people, okay. But there’s so many other parts of the sales page that are often overlooked. There’s a lot of information that you could find about those other things, but this is the only place where you can find information about things like how to actually properly share and when to share the guarantee, how to show proof about the thing that you are selling so that the person on the other end will be more confident in the purchase. So make sure to listen to episode 423, 423 with Prerna from

      And then the week after that, we had Ann Handley, a fan favorite. In fact, somebody who had been asked or, many of you had asked me to have her on the show. And I’m so grateful for that because she was such a joy. She’s a great storyteller. We talk about the antidote, yes, the antidote and a lot of anecdotes, anecdote, right? That’s a story, anecdote about antidotes to dry marketing, right? So how do we make our sales messaging more interesting? And that’s something that, whenever I see pictures of Ann and her gorgeous puppy, she’s always smiling on her Instagram page. And Ann if you’re listening to this, I appreciate you so much. Every time I just see you, I’m like, “Oh, marketing can be done the right way and you can be friends with your audience and you could share things, you could sell and serve at the same time.” And that’s the message I think we all need to hear. And again, those two are a pair. 423 with Prerna and 424 with Ann Handley. Those two work hand in hand.

      I don’t know if they even know each other, but those two podcast episodes for sure. Because 423, specific things about the sales page that aren’t talked about very often. And 424, hey, let’s make our marketing messages more fun and more connecting, more engaging. Ann Handley, you’re amazing, thank you.

      Then June came around and we had some of the most important episodes that we’ve ever published. In fact, these are podcast episodes that should have been published a long time ago. And this was of course when Black Lives Matter and a lot of that messaging started coming out and we started to focus internally with SPI, we, in fact, have now monthly meetings about what can we continue to do to amplify the voices that have been not so much heard over time? What can we do to get better? What can we do to listen better? And in fact, episode 426 … we took a week off the week before. And in episode 426, we reached out to black entrepreneurs in the Smart Passive Income audience. And we featured several stories on the show. I highly recommend listening to this episode,

      It was so enlightening and so special and it made such a big impact that we invited even more on to come in in episode 433 at the end of June. It was really important for us though to just not go, “Okay, we did our two episodes. Volume one, black entrepreneurs speak out. Volume two, black entrepreneurs speak out. We’re good now. We did our deed. We did our duty.” And we’ve had all these people step up and different brands say, “You know what? Here’s the thing that we’re going to do.” They do it and then it’s like, “Okay. Well, nothing else has changed since then.” Right? And that’s unfortunate. A lot of brands have changed and we’re trying to do better on our end too.

      So in addition to these episodes that have come out, we have, throughout the year, featured black entrepreneurs without even making a big deal about the fact that these are black entrepreneurs and going, “Hey, look at us, we’re on the spotlight now. We’re actually interviewing black entrepreneurs.” No, this is a person who has some amazing stories to share and information that we could all benefit from, they just so happen to be black.

      Now around this time of year, we definitely, and I especially had so many conversations and I just want to thank every person who I privately had a conversation with, who had helped to educate me. And I just want to thank all of you so, so much, and also for listening and to hearing those episodes, some of the most downloaded episodes during that time. And I’m grateful for that, that makes me feel happy. And it feels like things are headed in the right direction. But I think my calling to you, the listener, now here that we’re at the end of 2020 is let’s not just like go, “Okay, that was 2020. 2021, okay, new things.” Like, let’s just continue that. Let’s continue amplifying voices and inclusion and making sure that things are right. All right? And it’s not going to be perfect. Listen, and let’s just get better. Cool? Cool.

      Now, let’s go to August. In August, we had some amazing episodes. One of the episodes was a solo show and I hadn’t called out a solo show in a while. There’s going to be more solo shows next year. I promise you this. I promise you this. So much … No, I can’t tell you. My team and I have talked about this. I don’t know if we’ve even announced this yet, but you’re going to find out. So make sure you hit subscribe if you haven’t already, but there’s going to be more of me. You will see this in some way, shape, or form here on the Smart Passive Income feed. That’s the only clue. That’s all I’m going to say right now.

      Now, we had episode 435, 7 Terrible Traps Entrepreneurs Fall Into (And How to Get Out of Them). And this is, of course, across a decade and two years. So 12 years of business experience. Traps that I have seen my students, many of you, and myself fall into and how we can avoid them. And whether you are in one or many of those traps right now, it’s still valuable to listen to in case maybe 2021, you’re going to fall into some of these traps. These traps that may involve things like imposter syndrome and not feeling that you’re good enough. Or creating a high bar, creating a high standard, and then feeling like that everything has to outdo everything else that you’ve done and falling into the trap of never publishing because you were too worried about those expectations. Falling into the trap of money and when you start to receive money, what that can do to your psyche and your relationships and how to manage that. So definitely recommend episode 435.

      And then going into September we had … September was cool because we had five episodes that month. And the one in the center, 439, that came out mid September was I think one of the most underrated podcast episodes that we’ve ever had. We had a guest on the show who was from a company called And is a tool that, once you see it, you’re like, “Wow.” This is probably one of the most powerful marketing tools that you could use. And this is a tool that we are exploring right now. And this allows you to create quizzes and calculators. So the kind of new era of lead magnets, if you will. The first era, back when I first started in the, I don’t know, 2008 era, lead magnets that worked well were things like giant ebooks and 60-page white papers and reports, and these kinds of things that you would just love to have because that information wasn’t available anywhere else.

      Now, there’s too much information. So what had been working for a while are quick consumable lead magnets: cheat sheets, quick start guides, those kinds of things. One-page, two-page resource PDFs. Now, those are becoming abundant. They’re becoming something that people just see and they’re like, “Oh, not another one of those.” Now, you could still make them work, make them great, have good messaging, sell them, sell the message and have them subscribe to get it, not sell, like have them pay for it. But the new wave of opt-ins or lead magnets is through a quiz or through a calculator, something where there’s actual results in some way, shape, or form. You enter these numbers, you get this result. Now you can do something with it and you can tell them what to do with wherever they end up.

      You do a quiz, you are a Disney princess, Rapunzel — and now that you are Rapunzel … and I say that because BuzzFeed has a lot of those quizzes. Well, not the best transition, I will say, but I tried. But these quizzes are very popular, and especially if you propose a question that people want to know the answer to. And this is why this episode, episode 439 was called The #1 Most Underrated Way to Grow Your Email List. So if you’ve have been doing lead magnets, if you have been creating ways to get people into your email list, besides webinars—I still think webinars are key to growing your list because you get a different kind of person joining your list. But if you’ve been trying your normal traditional lead magnets and they’re not working, a quiz that answers a question that people really want to know the answer to or how they relate to that question can go a very, very long way.

      Then at the end of the month, we had a recurring guest. I think one of our top recurring guests on the show, had heard a ton of feedback because every time this person comes on the show, he’s just bang-on with information. And he comes from a different perspective, especially from his degree in psychology. And although he is a Stanford grad, I still talk to him because Cal, which is where I went to school, UC Berkeley, Stanford was our rival and I was brainwashed in the marching band. I still am. Go Bears, down with the red. But Ramit Sethi came on the podcast. And despite being a Cardinal, he’s a good friend of mine and I appreciate all the minutes that he’s on the show, every single time he comes on, because it’s just, he’s not afraid to say the truth. And in this particular episode, we talk about getting your first customers and he tells so many great stories of people that he’s helped and other people that he’s seen and how they got over the fear of making your first dollar or getting your first customer. So if you’re literally just starting from scratch, that would definitely be a great episode to listen to.

      Speaking of, Smart From Scratch, or starting from scratch. Smart From Scratch, which is the online course that we had launched. In fact, it was my very first online course that was launched in 2017. It’s been updated a couple times in minor cases, but it’s still up to date and it still continues to help people. In fact, I want to give a big shout out to Chris Gilmour, somebody who, because of the niche that he was in, in preparing ahead of time using Smart From Scratch, he had the best year of his life, business-wise, revenue-wise. And Chris Gilmour, who is a student of Smart From Scratch, I know he always credits Smart From Scratch for getting him started. It didn’t happen right away, but this year became a huge opportunity for him. Massive success to Chris. Well done my friend.

      Anyway, Smart From Scratch, when the pandemic hit … from March, I don’t know, 20 essentially, to November 1, we had given away Smart From Scratch. It was a $249 course that we decided to give away for free because we wanted to help people use this opportunity during the pandemic to start something new. We had around 15,000 or 16,000 people take us up on that offer. And I want to congratulate you, if you did. You have lifetime access to it. You got in at the right time. Well done. We gave away three and a half million dollars worth of that course and it felt really good. The team was so excited about that, and it’s just been incredible to see people already taking action and starting their things. So if you haven’t started your thing yet, definitely listened to Ramit in episode 441,, or you can check out It’s not free currently, but you can check it out still at

      Also, I want to give a big shout out to anybody who left a review for Will It Fly? Which is, if you can’t afford or aren’t able to invest in Smart From Scratch yet, I would advise checking out my book, Will It Fly? Much cheaper, obviously, without the videos and the details, but that book crossed 1,000 ratings on Amazon in October this year. And I want to thank you all so much for that, because that felt very special. You know, only a very small percentage of books, especially in the space that I’m in, business and entrepreneurship, get to a thousand ratings. And to see the other books that are out there that have over a thousand ratings and the authors who I adore and I’m a fan of, it just feels really, really great. So thank you so much to everybody who had left a review for Will It Fly? For Superfans as well, we’re approaching 500 reviews for that, and that’s making an impact.

      I was invited to share that book and actually present about it several times, including at VidSummit. And I got to give a shout out to Derral Eves, the founder and the director over at VidSummit who invited me to do a keynote. And he decided to buy a whole bunch of books, Superfans, and give them away. And I’ve been getting so much feedback from the VidSummit audience and anybody else who picked up Superfans. Again, I’m just very appreciative of you.

      So let’s move into October now, speaking of October, and I had mentioned earlier, Brittney Lynn, who is my PR person. Well, if you want to learn exactly what she did and how you can do what she does for me on your own, or have an assistant do it too, then definitely check out episode 442. 442 with Brittney Lynn.

      And then in 444, we had an amazing episode with one of the bubbliest personalities we’ve had on the show. Every time I see her and listen to her, I smile. And I would recommend you check this out if you’re at all interested in Instagram or Reels or TikTok for business. And yes, it does work. Keenya Kelly in episode 444. She taught me a thing or two. And actually one month after that episode went live, I created a Instagram Reel and I used my desk here. I don’t know if you could hear that, but this desk that I just knocked on, where I’m recording this episode. I did a little whiteboard drawing and it was just 15 seconds. That video was posted on Instagram Reels. And at the date of this recording, it has 650,000 views. It has helped me grow my Instagram channel and helped us get some sales for SwitchPod too, because I literally had SwitchPod in that video, knowing that that particular video, based on what Keenya was teaching me, would potentially do well. And it did.

      I also repurposed it and put it onto TikTok and got an additional 300,000 subs. So by the time this comes out, I would imagine that that video has been seen over a million times. And it’s definitely … I’ve had videos be seen over a million times, but the one that I’m thinking of took nine years to get there. This one, using Instagram Reels, literally took a month. That’s insane. So that’s episode 444 with Keenya Kelly. And it’s just, that was incredible.

      November, Matt D’Avella, wow. And even though I screwed up and didn’t have the right input microphone, Matt brought down the house. I’ve gotten so much feedback for Matt D’Avella. If you don’t know who Matt D’Avella is, this is episode 447. And Matt D’Avella is a YouTube sensation. He practices minimalism and productivity, and he has this really funny personality, but he’s not like, over the top and aggressive. I highly recommend you check out Matt D’Avella. He’s just got really, really well-shot videos. So well that it’s like eye candy. You can’t take your eye off the videos once you start it. So just beware. But being it the holidays, you might want to potentially check it out. Because not only are his videos entertaining, but they can teach you a thing or two as well. And Matt came out with his course, Slow Growth Academy. And we talk about his rise to YouTube fame in episode 447. And that was really amazing. That was absolutely really amazing.

      And then in December here. In December, we talked at the beginning of the month to Casanova, who had another emotional upbringing and stories about his family and just hardships and just unreal situations to a point where you hear it and you’re just like, “Wow. Well, if he could do it and get through it, then so can all of us.” And I want to thank Casanova again. I mean, one of the most impactful episodes we’ve had of the year, and I’m thankful that we sort of had him really close to the end of the year here to think about a lot of the things that we had all gone through this year. And Casanova with his podcast, you can check him out, Casanova Brooks. And that’s episode 451. Just an insane story. And you might remember, he’s so easy to listen to and he always has positivity, even in the tone of his voice, despite what had happened to him. Of course, a lot of things happened to us this year and I want to have you listen to that for inspiration moving forward. That’s episode 451 with Casanova Brooks.

      And then finally, the episode after that, just a couple of weeks ago, you might have heard the mom with eight kids, just wow., mind-blowing productivity. The quote that really stuck out to me that I remember was, “You can have it all, but you can’t do it all.” And that’s a big differentiation, right? That’s a big differentiation.

      So to every guest who had been on the Smart Passive Income podcast this year, thank you so, so much. To everybody listening right now, whether this is the first episode you listened to or the 52nd of the year, thank you so much. And I cannot wait to serve you. Team SPI, I’m representing them as well, in saying that we couldn’t be more grateful, but we also couldn’t be more excited for what’s to come especially, especially in the space of podcasting. We got some plans. We got some things coming. And no, I’m not just talking about special guests, but potentially other podcasts, potentially … more. I wanted to say it. I wanted to say it, but I’m not. You’re going to have to wait and make sure you hit subscribe so you don’t miss anything. And of course, always come back to the blog when you can,

      If you want to check out the show notes, we’ll link to all the episodes in the show notes that we mentioned today. So that could be your top directory for all of those in case you didn’t catch all the numbers or want to go to them individually. You can go to Once again, I’m raising a glass of apple cider to you. Cheers, happy new year, and here’s to a successful, healthy, happy, productive, inspirational, motivational, educational 2021. Thank you. I appreciate you. Team Flynn for the win. Peace out, yo.

      Thanks for listening to the Smart Passive Income podcast at!

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      with Pat Flynn

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