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SPI 498: Step by Step: How to Make Sure Emails Don’t End Up in Spam with Adrian Savage

SPI 498: Step by Step: How to Make Sure Emails Don’t End Up in Spam with Adrian Savage

SPI 498: Step by Step: How to Make Sure Emails Don’t End Up in Spam with Adrian Savage


      If you’re running a business, you need an email list. But you also need to send the right emails. And you also need to make sure those emails are actually getting into your subscribers’ inboxes.

      I often talk about the fact that email is the way to go. And it is! I only wish I’d started my email list sooner. And email does offer advantages over platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube, which have algorithms that can block our messages from the audiences that want to hear from us. But email has a similar issue, and it’s one you need to address if you want to reach more people: the dreaded spam folder. Why do emails end up in spam, and what can you do about it?

      That’s what we’re talking about today with Adrian Savage, the founder of Deliverability Dashboard. Adrian is a wizard when it comes to all things email deliverability. In this episode, he goes over the four keys to massively improving your email deliverability rates. If you have an email list or are thinking of starting one, this episode is a must-listen. You can also get access to a simple checklist that helps you avoid the spam folder and potentially double your open rate at

      Today’s Guest

      Adrian Savage

      Adrian Savage is a dad, a geek, and an entrepreneur. He left the corporate world 10 years ago and now specializes in email deliverability: how to avoid the spam folder and double your open rates. He’s helped many well-known names improve their email performance and is also the founder and creator of Deliverability Dashboard, which quickly and simply shows how well your emails are performing and how you can get even more people seeing and opening your emails.

      You’ll Learn


      Email Deliverability Checklist

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