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SPI 399: Last Minute Cyber Monday Strategies to Get More Sales

SPI 399: Last Minute Cyber Monday Strategies to Get More Sales

SPI 399: Last Minute Cyber Monday Strategies to Get More Sales


      It’s that time of year. Turkey, gravy, stuffing, all the fixings, and, well, Cyber Monday. Scarcity is a major way to drive sales. Limited-time offers, promotions, all of these things ultimately get at a customer’s fear of missing out, that sense of FOMO that we all have. At the same time, you don’t want to wind up like JCPenny, where basically every day is a sales day to the extent that your customers won’t buy your product because they know it’ll eventually be on sale again. So how do you take advantage of the extra boost that Cyber Monday can offer your business without devaluing your product or turning customers off with one too many promotional emails?

      In this episode, I talk through ten strategies to capitalize on Cyber Monday and get more sales. Most importantly, these concepts can work for any regular promotion you’re running, too. Some of these work even if you don’t have a product, or if you have an idea that’s not quite ready for primetime that you need to run through some beta testers following the Will It Fly? (Amazon link) process. [Full Disclaimer: As an affiliate, I receive compensation if you purchase through this link.]

      To quickly run down the list, they are:

      1. Make a limited-time discount.
      2. Offer free shipping.
      3. Add a special bonus.
      4. Create a bundle with other relevant products or courses.
      5. Partner your product with someone else’s complementary product.
      6. Take advantage of email marketing.
      7. Go live to cut through the noise and communicate directly with your audience.
      8. Create a gift guide for your audience to earn money through affiliate marketing.
      9. Offer a deal for a beta test or to be a pre-launch member.
      10. Make a Cyber Monday landing page.

      Obviously, we go into a lot more detail in the episode, so make sure you take a listen. Also, think about the why behind each of these strategies because chances are that even if you can’t use them this Cyber Monday, you can do some version of them for a future launch or limited-time promotion. I hope you’ve enjoyed your Thanksgiving, and best of luck with that Cyber Monday launch!

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