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SPI 001: Introduction | Show Formalities | What to Expect

SPI 1: SPI 001: Introduction | Show Formalities | What to Expect

SPI 1: SPI 001: Introduction | Show Formalities | What to Expect


      It’s here! The first session of The Smart Passive Income Podcast!

      You can download the podcast to your computer or listen to it here on the blog. Click here to subscribe in iTunes.

      Since this is our first session together, I spend a little bit of time introducing myself and how I define passive income and utilize it for my businesses and lifestyle. Also, I go over the formalities of the show and what to expect from future sessions.

      Future shows will have a structured format, and several will include special guests.

      Special information about the episode such as items mentioned during the session and action items will usually appear below, along with a transcript.

      Once iTunes has approved the show, I’ll provide you with an iTunes feed for the podcast only. Additionally, you can also subscribe to the blog and get all of my material (blog posts and podcast) by clicking here.


      Note: Some of the resources below may be affiliate links, meaning I receive a commission (at no extra cost to you) if you use that link to make a purchase.

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      Smart Passive Income Podcast

      with Pat Flynn

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