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SPI 151: How to Put on a Successful (and Profitable) Virtual Conference with Lain Ehmann

SPI 151: How to Put on a Successful (and Profitable) Virtual Conference with Lain Ehmann

SPI 151: How to Put on a Successful (and Profitable) Virtual Conference with Lain Ehmann


      This week’s guest comes up a lot on this podcast, and rightly so—she’s got one amazing success story. Remember Lain Ehmann, who turned her scrapbooking hobby into a six-figure online business? She’s back with another crucial lesson for all you online entrepreneurs: the power of the virtual conference.

      A big part of Lain’s success has come from her virtual conferences, where hundreds of scrapbookers gather online to connect, trade ideas, and learn from invited instructors. Lain’s here to share what goes into creating a virtual conference, as well as the victories and challenges she’s faced along the way.

      Do you feel like you’re serving your audience as much as you can, but wish you could go further? Hosting a virtual conference might be just the key. Lain’s words of wisdom are sure to get you inspired.

      Thanks for Listening!

      Thanks so much for joining us again this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below!
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      Also, please leave an honest review for The SPI Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and I read each and every one of them.

      If you have any questions (or would like answers to hear previously submitted voicemail questions!), head on over to This bite-sized show has over two million downloads and counting!

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      It’s been such a pleasure to have Lain back on the Smart Passive Income Podcast. Thanks for listening! Until next time!

      Today’s Guest

      Lain Ehmann

      This week’s guest comes up a lot on this podcast, and rightly so—she’s got one amazing success story.

      You’ll Learn

      • The first question to ask when planning your conference.
      • The benefits of a virtual conference over a live event.
      • How to reach out to potential presenters.
      • How to foster interaction during your online event.
      • The biggest pitfalls Lain encounters and how to avoid them.
      • How to be the perfect host to your presenters.
      • How to price your event for maximum participation and maximum profit.
      • Tips for promoting your conference, and more!



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