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SPI 235: Beyond the Gumball: How Matt Miller Built a Successful Vending Machine Business and Franchise

SPI 235: Beyond the Gumball: How Matt Miller Built a Successful Vending Machine Business and Franchise

SPI 235: Beyond the Gumball: How Matt Miller Built a Successful Vending Machine Business and Franchise


      Vending machines are a beloved, lucrative passive income stream for so many entrepreneurs. Today’s guest knows this better than anyone. In fact, he’s transformed his vending machine business into a wildly successful passive income franchise—and helped fund schools around the country in the process.

      Matt Miller, founder of, started his passive income journey with a single gumball machine. But he didn’t stop there. Matt transformed his business into a franchise designed to help schools raise the funds they so desperately need, installing spirit merchandise vending machines that replaced the need for kid-powered door-to-door fundraising. Soon, entrepreneurs of all ages—even whole families—were approaching Matt about starting a franchise of their own.

      If you’re curious about vending businesses as a source of income, tune in to hear Matt’s story. He’ll share his expert tips on getting started as a franchise owner, partnering with schools, and how parents and kids can learn entrepreneurial skills as a family. Matt’s vision is a whole new way to think about passive income—I know you’ll want to hear it!

      Thanks for Listening!

      Thanks so much for joining me again this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below!

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      If you have any questions (or would like answers to hear previously submitted voicemail questions!), head on over to This bite-sized show has over two million downloads and counting!

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      Special thanks to Matt for joining me this week. Until next time!

      Today’s Guest

      Matt Miller

      Today’s guest has taken vending machine passive income to a whole new level, growing a hugely successful franchise and helping schools in the process.

      You’ll Learn

      • How Matt started small with vending machine passive income.
      • The ins and outs of running a franchise.
      • What being an Air Force pilot taught Matt about entrepreneurship.
      • Advice for beginning franchise entrepreneurs.
      • Strategies for building community and accountability among franchise members.
      • How expanding his team changed Matt’s business for the better.
      • Ideas for fostering entrepreneurial skills in your kids.
      • How School Spirit Vending has transformed school fundraising, and more!




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