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SPI 262: Habit Forming Products with Nir Eyal, Author of Hooked

SPI 262: Habit Forming Products with Nir Eyal, Author of Hooked

SPI 262: Habit Forming Products with Nir Eyal, Author of Hooked


      How many platforms do you check every day, almost without thinking about it? What products are an unconscious part of your daily routine? These kinds of habit forming products are what today’s episode is all about. Here to explore how customers get “hooked” on products is behavior expert and author of Hooked [Amazon affiliate link], Nir Eyal.

      The most successful companies, Nir will tell you, have figured out to scratch a universal “itch” with their product. They’ve connected their creation to behavioral triggers, whether internal or external, that send users reaching for their particular product. It’s a complex science—one that smart entrepreneurs can leverage to get their product into as many hands as possible.

      In this episode, Nir will walk you through the phases of building a habit forming product. He’ll debunk common myths about human behavior and reveal the science behind the platforms we use every day. He’ll also get into the ethics of creating habits, and how to ensure your product is harnessing the power of habit for good.

      Fascinating, right? Listen in to hear more from Nir and the strategy behind getting “hooked.”

      Thanks for Listening!

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      Special thanks to Nir for joining me this week. Until next time!

      Today’s Guest

      Nir Eyal

      Here to talk about building habit forming products is Nir Eyal, author of Hooked and expert on how the mind creates habits.

      You’ll Learn

      • A walkthrough of the phases of creating a habit forming product.
      • The two types of “triggers,” and how they lead users to your product.
      • What you can learn about habit from products like Facebook, Buffer, and Dropbox.
      • The surprising truth about how long it takes to form a habit.
      • The rookie mistake entrepreneurs make when driving engagement with their product.
      • The difference between habits and addictions, and why that difference is so important.
      • Two crucial questions to ask yourself to ensure your product is ethical.
      • A free workbook for exploring how habit forming your product can be, and more!


      • Hooked [Amazon affiliate link]

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