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SPI 075: Six-Figure Earnings with Ebooks (Not on Amazon) and a Pricing Structure That Works with Nathan Barry

SPI 75: Six-Figure Earnings with Ebooks (Not on Amazon) and a Pricing Structure That Works with Nathan Barry

SPI 75: Six-Figure Earnings with Ebooks (Not on Amazon) and a Pricing Structure That Works with Nathan Barry


      In this session of The Smart Passive Income Podcast, I’m extremely excited to welcome former freelancer turned app developer turned incredibly successful self-published author, Nathan Barry from to the show! In a relatively short time period, Nathan has earned well over $200,000 by self-publishing ebooks on his website, and he shares all of his strategies and how it all happened here on today’s show.

      I left the interview incredibly inspired, and I know you will too.

      With an email list of under 1000 people, he successfully launched his first ebook, The App Design Handbookand made over $12,000 on the first day—which is awesome!

      I recently had the pleasure of meeting Nathan in Portland a couple of weeks ago and he’s one of the most down to earth, friendliest guys I’ve met in a while. He’s very transparent and shares all of his ebook numbers during the interview, and it’s obvious that he really wants to help other people succeed too. If you aren’t following his work, you should.

      In addition, in this session you’ll find out about:

      Resources and Links Mentioned in this Session Include

      Posts that Nathan Wrote Leading up to the Launch of his First Book

      Thanks again to Nathan for the amount of information he shared on the podcast! If you’d like to thank him yourself and show your love, click the link below to send him a quick tweet:

      Click here to thank Nathan for being on the show!

      Leave Me a Voicemail!

      Every once and a while, I’ll be recording podcast episodes that are completely driven and made up of questions asked by you, so if you have any questions you’d like potentially answered on the show, simply record a voicemail over on my Speakpipe Page.

      Help Out the Show!

      And lastly, if you haven’t done so already I would love if you took a minute to leave a quick rating and review of the podcast on iTunes by clicking on the link below! It would be extremely helpful for the show and I’m aiming for 1000 5-star ratings before the end of the year! We are currently at 922 5-star ratings—you are amazing, thank you!

      I hope you enjoyed this episode. Please let us know what you think in the comment section below. Cheers!

      Today’s Guest

      Nathan Barry

      On today’s show, I’m chatting with Nathan Barry about his strategies for a successful ebook launch.

      You’ll Learn

      • How Nathan started as a freelancer and why freelancing is a great way to start your own business.
      • How and where to start freelancing.
      • Nathan’s first iOS application, how he promoted it and why it was priced at $199.99.
      • The importance of actually talking to people in your target audience and reaching out.
      • The big challenge that Nathan faced that stunted the sales of his iOS application, and what he would do differently.
      • The big challenge that Nathan faced that stunted the sales of his iOS application, and what he would do differently.
      • The big challenge that Nathan faced that stunted the sales of his iOS application, and what he would do differently.
      • Nathan thoughts about inbound market vs. outbound marketing.
      • Why Nathan started a blog and how he eventually found his voice.
      • The inflection point in Nathan’s journey that started with writing an ebook about app design.
      • Nathan’s answer to: “What qualifies you to write The App Design Handbook?”
      • How Nathan spread the word about his book and made $12,500 on the first day—even with a small email list.
      • Why Nathan avoids publishing on and instead publishes books on his own site.
      • Specific details about Nathan’s 3-tier pricing structure and how having multiple packages can double or triple your revenue.
      • What makes good design and three quick tips that will drastically help the design of your website.


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