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SPI 287: Should I Create a Personal Brand? Pros and Cons

SPI 287: Should I Create a Personal Brand? Pros and Cons

SPI 287: Should I Create a Personal Brand? Pros and Cons


      Welcome to week two of Branding Month here on SPI! This week we’re talking about personal branding. One of the most common questions I get asked is, “Should I create a personal brand?” Today we’ll be exploring the pros and cons in depth.

      What is a personal brand? Should you have one? In a sense, I think that everyone should have a personal brand. I’ll explain what I mean by that, but first it’s important to understand why you’re starting out and where you want to go. There are some questions you should ask yourself before you start, because there are definitely pros and cons to starting a personal brand. And there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution to how you run your personal brand; you have to decide what works best for you and your business. In this episode, I’ll be breaking down an exercise from my book, Will It Fly? [Amazon affiliate link], that will help you understand what direction to go in. I’ll also explore the different definitions of personal brands, the roadblocks you might have, tips for success, and examples of different, successful personal brands. This episode is full of advice for helping you start you own personal brand journey. Listen carefully and enjoy!

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