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SPI 281: How Coach Glitter Built Her Affiliate Business and Launched a Product

SPI 281: How Coach Glitter Built Her Affiliate Business and Launched a Product

SPI 281: How Coach Glitter Built Her Affiliate Business and Launched a Product


      Before Tiffany Lee Bymaster got into online business, her friends called her the “walking Yelp.” In addition to being a professional makeup artist, she had a reputation as a trusted, go-to resource for recommendations on just about everything. When Tiffany dove into coaching and affiliate marketing, that reputation came with her, and the “Coach Glitter” empire has thrived ever since.

      In today’s episode, Tiffany (a.k.a. Coach Glitter) walks me through her journey from pro makeup artist to branding coach, course creator, and affiliate marketer. She shares how reading Will It Fly? [Amazon affiliate link] helped her uncover her entrepreneurial “superpower” and how she maintains her reputation as a trusted voice in the online business world. You’ll hear how she mines her audience for feedback, the platforms she used to build her brand, how she makes the most out of online courses, and the mindset advice that helped her the most while building a business from scratch.

      Tiffany’s story proves you don’t need a following of millions to build a powerful, devoted, tight-knit community and see your online business thrive. As a course creator myself, I’m reminded of just how powerful a good reputation can be, and how much audience trust impacts the growth of your business.

      Listen in on my eye-opening conversation with Tiffany—you might just discover your own “superpower” by the end!

      Thanks for Listening!

      To share your thoughts:

      To help out the show:

      Special thanks to Tiffany for joining me this week. Until next time!

      Today’s Guest

      Tiffany Lee Bymaster

      Coach Glitter reveals how she transformed her career as a makeup artist into a thriving online business.

      You’ll Learn

      • How Tiffany translated her professional expertise into a coaching career.
      • The platforms and strategies Tiffany used to build her reputation and personal brand online.
      • How Tiffany’s reputation for being a “walking Yelp” evolved into a successful affiliate business.
      • What happens when you identify and embrace your entrepreneurial “superpower.”
      • Why you don’t need millions of followers to build powerful community online.
      • Advice for overcoming self-doubt and mindset obstacles as a solopreneur.
      • The importance of accountability and listening in online course communities.
      • The “turtle” approach to online business, and more!


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