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SPI 298: Before Your New Year Begins . . .

SPI 298: Before Your New Year Begins . . .


      Today’s episode is a very special one, and it’s just you and me. We’re closing in on the end of the year, and there’s a lot to talk about. This time is a great opportunity to reflect on the past year and what’s to come for the year ahead. Hopefully you’re already thinking about 2018 and the things you’re going to try, what you’re going to experiment with—but hopefully this episode inspires you to go even further, to be vulnerable, and to be courageous.

      This episode is a little bit of an experiment (because that’s what I do here)—I really wanted to switch up the normal episode format with this one. And experimentation is one of the big takeaways: It isn’t easy, and often we don’t know what the results are going to be. A lot of what we do is very public these days, because of social media, etc., and that can often lead to us retreating from the limelight. But change happens outside of the things we normally do, and to do those things we need to be vulnerable. If you’re expecting different results by doing what you’re already doing—stop!

      I want you to commit to being vulnerable next year, and that’s what this episode is all about. It’s all about setting you up for what’s to come in the year ahead. Of course, no matter when you’re listening to this, these strategies and this mindset will always apply to you moving forward. Experience has always been my teacher, but sometimes you can learn from someone else’s experience too, and that’s where I come in.

      So here we go. Let’s get started. Get comfortable, grab a cup of coffee (or beverage of choice), and let’s get our heads in the right place for 2018—now.

      Thanks for Listening!

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