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SPI 288: Interview with Bec and Joe from The 4 Blades

SPI 288: Interview with Bec and Joe from The 4 Blades

SPI 288: Interview with Bec and Joe from The 4 Blades


      This is a fun one! I’m sitting down with Bec and Joe Winston, the brains behind The 4 Blades, a brand in a niche that I never knew existed. What is that niche? It’s a kitchen appliance called the Thermomix. You’ve probably never heard of Thermomixes, but Bec and Joe have built a vibrant digital publication, podcast, and community around them.

      Bec and Joe’s brand is an incredible success story, and it just goes to show what you can accomplish when you focus on what you’re passionate about. They have a successful brand because of their amazing personalities and perseverance—all in a realm I never even knew about. They are truly living the lifestyle they want, and it’s all because of the action they’ve taken and the value they provide. Hopefully you’ll all be motivated and inspired after hearing this episode. Enjoy!

      And don’t forget to check out my new Build Your Own Brand Challenge-Course, launching on October 16. It’s a free, five-day challenge and course that will help you go from no website to a branded website so that you can start making a mark in the online world. Go to to learn more!

      (If you’re reading this in the future, don’t worry; the challenge will stay open as evergreen content, even after it ends on October 21, 2017.)

      Thanks for Listening!

      To share your thoughts:

      To help out the show:

      Special thanks to Bec and Joe for joining me this week. Until next time!

      Today’s Guest

      Bec and Joe Winston

      Hear the story of how Bec and Joe Winston built their niche site and community around cooking with the Thermomix.

      You’ll Learn

      • The story of how Bec and Joe stumbled on the Thermomix, and what that is.
      • How Bec and Joe developed a digital magazine for their brand.
      • How podcasting made a huge difference for The 4 Blades.
      • Why The 4 Blades’ paid product is digital publishing.
      • How The 4 Blades community gets involved with each issue.
      • How Bec and Joe use challenges to involve their community.
      • What challenges Bec and Joe have had.
      • Why Bec and Joe decided to stop their podcast at Episode 150.
      • How Bec uses Facebook Live to interact with The 4 Blades community
      • Top pieces of advice from Bec and Joe, and more!


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