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SPI 124: Your Author Empire—Pick a Niche and Publish for Profit with Steve Scott

SPI 124: Your Author Empire—Pick a Niche and Publish for Profit with Steve Scott

SPI 124: Your Author Empire—Pick a Niche and Publish for Profit with Steve Scott


      When I published my book Let Go, I started a Facebook Group of authors to document my progress. The group was a crucial component in the marketing efforts of the book, but has also grown to become a hub for online authors and kindle publishers. Since then, the group has grown to more than 7,300 people!

      Like most communities that you’ll create online, there always seems to be a few standouts—people who rise to the top as the most helpful and active in the forum. One clear standout in this particular group is an author named Steve Scott, who is always offering his advice, responding to questions and sharing his success.

      Since starting his book publishing empire, he’s published dozens of books (42 total) and is now earning a healthy 5-figures per month (averaging $45,000 per month)!

      I wanted to bring Steve on the show today to share exactly how he’s built his empire, and tips and strategies we can all use to win in the Amazon Kindle market without spamming.

      Thanks for Listening!

      Thanks again for listening to the show! If it has helped you in any way, please share it using the social media buttons you see on the page.

      Additionally, reviews for the podcast on iTunes are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show and I read each and every one of them.

      And lastly, if you have any questions (or would like answers to hear previously submitted voicemail questions!), head on over to—this bite-sized show has over 1.5 million downloads and counting!

      Don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunes or Stitcher to get automatic updates.

      Today’s Guest

      Steve Scott

      Steve Scott is an author who has published dozens of books and is earning a healthy 5-figures per month.

      You’ll Learn

      • How Steve streamlines his writing process to publish nearly one book per month!
      • Steve’s numbers, including how many books he’s selling each month, and how much he’s making.
      • The niche that Steve decided to focus on, and why.
      • The approach Steve takes with each individual book.
      • Steve’s take on haters and negative reviews.
      • Kindle Unlimited and KDP Select strategies.
      • Steve’s step by step book publishing process.
      • The importance of branding when publishing books for the Kindle.
      • Plus a lot more!


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