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SPI 083: Ask Pat! Session 2 — Cleaning Your Email List, Hosting Meetups, A Day in the Life, and Being Unique Everywhere?

SPI 83: Ask Pat! Session 2—Cleaning Your Email List, Hosting Meetups, A Day in the Life, and Being Unique Everywhere?

SPI 83: Ask Pat! Session 2—Cleaning Your Email List, Hosting Meetups, A Day in the Life, and Being Unique Everywhere?


      In this session of The Smart Passive Income Podcast, I’m excited to answer more voicemail questions from the SPI audience!

      Every once in a while, I record podcast episodes that are completely driven and made up of questions asked by you, so if you have any questions you’d like potentially answered on the show, simply record a voicemail over on my Speakpipe Page.

      In This Particular Ask Pat! Session

      The following questions are paraphrased from the voicemail recordings:

      1. Jarrod Asks (@ 2:33): What’s the best way to clean your email list and get rid of the inactive subscribers that you have on your list?

      2. Brad Asks (@ 10:46): As a new blogger who has only been doing this for 6 weeks, I may have went about this new website the wrong way and picked an overly competitive niche. I know failure is part of the entrepreneurial process and I’m trying to stay positive, but I don’t have tons of extra spare time. Can you share some of your failures and how you knew when it was time to throw in the towel?

      3. Dana Asks (@ 18:24): I’d like to host a meetup for my community. How do I do that? Who pays for what, how do I set it up and what’s the etiquette?

      4. Shane asks (@ 31:28): Pat, what does your average day look like?

      5. Miranda asks (@ 41:57): On your podcast, you often tell your listeners that you should ‘Be Everywhere.’ How do we ‘Be Everywhere’ without being repetitive? Is it okay to post similar content on each of the platforms we’re on, or does each have to be completely unique—and how unique is unique?

      I hope you enjoyed the second Ask Pat listener questions episode! The first Ask Pat session can be found in Session #73.

      Based off of Miranda’s question (#5) from above, I’m curious—do you only absorb one type of content type: blog, podcast or video, or is it more of a mix?

      If it’s a mix, how would you feel if I, for example, posted the exact same content on my blog, my podcast and my YouTube channel (e.g., by shooting a video, scraping the audio for the podcast, and generating the transcript for a separate blog post)? Is that a big no-no, or is it ever okay to do?

      Thanks again for listening to the SPI Podcast! You rock!

      Today’s Guest

      Pat Flynn

      In this session of The Smart Passive Income Podcast, I’m excited to answer more voicemail questions from the SPI audience!


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      Smart Passive Income Podcast

      with Pat Flynn

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