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SPI 295: 35 Quick Life Lessons from 35 Years of Life—Plus a Pencils of Promise Birthday Challenge!

SPI 295: 35 Quick Life Lessons from 35 Years of Life—Plus a Pencils of Promise Birthday Challenge!

SPI 295: 35 Quick Life Lessons from 35 Years of Life—Plus a Pencils of Promise Birthday Challenge!


      Guess what? Today’s my birthday! I am 35 today and very grateful to have lived this long and experienced so much. I wanted to share some of the lessons I’ve learned along the way, so today I’m giving you 35 quick lessons from 35 years of life. I’m also ending today’s episode with a challenge.

      This week, I want to give you the opportunity to reflect on the amazing things that you’ve encountered, experienced, and enjoyed in the life you’ve lived so far. Here at SPI, we’ve created a lot of great content, a lot of actionable items over the past several months—last month was Affiliate Marketing Month, for example—but today I want to shift gears and talk about my 35 life lessons.

      These are short nuggets of wisdom from my business journey and life experiences. This is what I’ve learned so far, in summary, about how to carve out your career and business, and some best-practices for creating opportunities and making the most of them. I’ll also be sharing what I’ve come to understand so far about life in general, the habits and rituals that make me stronger, and the rules that guide my day-to-day decisions.

      Pencils of Promise Birthday Challenge

      To further celebrate my birthday, I’m asking you to join me in making a difference in the lives of children who do not have access to education. I’m talking about Pencils of Promise, an organization that builds schools and creates educational opportunities for children in developing nations.

      Previously, the goal was to build two schools which we accomplished in 2014 thanks to your support. This year, the goal is to raise $75,000 to help reach—and provide education for—1,000 students.

      I will also match your donation 100 percent up to $50,000. So if you donate $100, I will donate $100 of my own—for each donation up to $50,000.

      Let’s do this! Donate at

      I’m an advisor for Pencils of Promise, and I’m really excited to get the SPI community involved, as I’ve done in the past. Every little bit counts (even just $1!), so please join me in donating at Thank you so much.

      Thanks for Listening!

      To share your thoughts:

      To help out the show:

      You’ll Learn


      Note: Some of the resources below may be affiliate links, meaning I receive a commission (at no extra cost to you) if you use that link to make a purchase.

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