Mindset Cheat Sheet PDF cover and pages preview

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The Mindset Cheat Sheet

Learn how to grow as an entrepreneur and tackle the challenges of running a business.

    A Helpful Hand

    When you’re sitting alone in your home office (whether it’s an actual office or just the coziest spot on your couch), it’s easy to feel alone, and to start wondering if you’ve “got what it takes” to really be an entrepreneur. Sometimes a little advice from someone who has been there goes a long way.

    That’s where the Mindset Cheat Sheet comes in. It’s made up of three “mindset hacks,” but you can think of them as pieces of advice from your friend who has been where you are now, offering you a little advice on how to get over your current stumbling block. You’ll learn:

    • The power of sharing your plans with others
    • Why focusing on what’s not working might be what is holding you back
    • Our founder, Pat Flynn’s, favorite mind-centering technique

    Concrete Advice that’s Easy to Follow

    Short and to the point, because you’ve got a business to build. Eight pages of friendly advice from SPI’s found to you.

    A two-page spread of the Mindset Cheat Sheet, just to demonstrate layout

    Part of SPI’s Free Resource Library

    SPI's Free Resource Library logo with icons of a stack of books, a desktop computer, and a paper document with a pen

    In addition to the Email Marketing Cheat Sheet, you’ll also get access to the free resource library, packed with other cheat sheets, videos, and challenges to help you grow your business. Be sure to check out the resource called How to Start a Podcast, Step by Step, which has video tutorials to teach you how to record, edit, and upload your podcast.

    Download the Mindset Cheat Sheet

    Three useful mindset hacks that can help you overcome blockers and think like a successful entrepreneur. You’ll also get our weekly Unstuck newsletter—a quick, five-minute read designed to help get you unstuck.

      Mindset Cheat Sheet PDF cover and pages preview