Icon of clicking on pop-up boxes

Our courses have helped over 50,000

We’re early pioneers of online courses for entrepreneurs, guiding tens of thousands of students through results-based curricula for nearly a decade. So we know what works. And what works best today is this: community-powered courses.

A view of the courses within the SPI Community

Your pass to education

Watch the video to learn what’s included ⤵

17+ Premium courses that get the job done

Start Your Business

Smart From Scratch logo with a light bulb in the center

For Beginners

Start a New Business

Create a Product

Smart From Scratch®

Learn how to find a winning business idea and land your first customer. Ideal for those who do not have a business yet or who are exploring starting a new business.

Build Your Own Brand Promo: A Free Five-Day Challenge to Help You Build Your Own Brand

For Beginners

Start a New Business

Grow an Audience

Build Your Own Brand

Join this free five-day challenge to help you build a brand and website you can be proud of. Ideal for those just starting out and in need of a website.

Email Marketing Magic logo with envelope in the middle

For All Business Levels

Grow an Audience

Sell Your Products

Email Marketing Magic

Grow your list, make more money, and automate like magic with this course on establishing an email marketing program. Ideal for anyone new to or frustrated with email marketing.

Add a Product

1•2•3 Affiliate Marketing logo with shaking hands

For Creators w/an Audience

Earn Commissions

1•2•3 Affiliate Marketing

Learn to authentically generate more income for your business through affiliate marketing with our three-step system. Ideal for those who already have at least a small online presence.

Community Business Blueprint logo with blueprint markups on the letters

For Creators w/an Audience

Sell Memberships

Community Business Blueprint

Draft your ultimate community success strategy to best suit your business goals. Co-created with the team at Circle.

Heroic Online Courses logo with old fashioned sword stuck in the ground

For All Business Levels

Create a Product

Sell Your Products

Heroic Online Courses

Become a course creator the SPI way! Learn to create powerful courses where you transform your audience into heroes. The course covers everything you need to know, including refining your course niche, creating a production plan, and crafting a powerful sales page.

Smart From Scratch logo with light bulb in the middle

For Beginners

Start a New Business

Create a Product

Smart From Scratch®

Learn how to find a winning business idea and land your first customer. Ideal for those who do not have a business yet, or who are exploring starting a new business.

Pricing For Profit logo with a percentage icon

For Advanced Beginners+

Sell Your Products


Pricing For Profit

A mini-course to help you learn and apply smart pricing methods to optimize your profit and grow a healthy and sustainable business.

Launch & Grow Your Podcast

Power-Up Podcasting course logo with old-fashioned microphone in the center

For All Business Levels

Grow an Audience

Start a Business

Power-Up Podcasting®

Create, launch, and market a podcast that grows your income and impact online. From step-by-step setup to how to get found (even on launch day). Thousands of students have enjoyed this course. Now it’s your turn!

Amp'd Up Podcasting logo with a radio tower shaped like a capital A

For Podcasters

Grow an Audience

Sell Your Products

Amp’d Up Podcasting

Learn the AMP system for growing your podcast: Automate, Market, and Profit. Ideal for podcasters who want to get time back, grow their listenership, and earn more from their show.

Podcast Advertising Made Easy with headphones icon

For Podcasters

Earn Ad Revenue


Podcast Advertising Made Easy

This mini-course teaches you how to find great podcast sponsors, write compelling ads, and create fair contracts that protect your work.

Video Podcasting Playbook with play icon

For Existing Podcasters

Grow an Audience


Video Podcasting Playbook

This mini-course will help you to effortlessly turn your podcast into engaging video content that grows your audience and influence.

Grow Your Audience

A to Z Webinars logo with Os and Xs like on a sports diagram

For All Business Levels

Grow an Audience

Sell Your Products

A to Z Webinars

A step-by-step roadmap to help you create and deliver webinars that work. Grow your list. Increase trust. Make more money. Ideal for business owners looking for growth.

Email Marketing Magic logo with envelope in the middle

For All Business Levels

Grow an Audience

Sell Your Products

Email Marketing Magic

Grow your list, make more money, and automate like magic with this course on establishing an email marketing program. Ideal for anyone new to or frustrated with email marketing.

Power-Up Podcasting course logo with old-fashioned microphone in the center

For All Business Levels

Grow an Audience

Start a Business

Power-Up Podcasting®

Create, launch, and market a podcast that grows your income and impact online. From step-by-step setup to how to get found (even on launch day). Thousands of students have enjoyed this course. Now it’s your turn!

YouTube From Scratch with a YouTube play button in the center

For All Business Levels

Grow an Audience

YouTube From Scratch

Learn how to start a YouTube channel and get your first 1000 subscribers so that you can qualify for YouTube’s monetization program. This is a course for beginners who do not yet have a YouTube channel.

Click and Convert logo with a lightning bolt icon

For All Business Levels

Grow an Audience


Click and Convert

Learn to capture attention, increase engagement, and grow your business with this workshop from Pat Flynn and guest expert Darrell Vesterfelt.

Traffic Booster Workshop with upward growth arrow

For All Business Levels

Grow an Audience


Traffic Booster Workshop

Learn to increase your exposure and grow your business without paying for ads with this mini-course from Pat Flynn. Learn strategies you can immediately put into action.

Business Planning

Community Business Blueprint logo with blueprint markups on the letters

For Creators w/an Audience

Sell Memberships

Community Business Blueprint

Draft your ultimate community success strategy to best suit your business goals. Co-created with the team at Circle.

Cash Flow Fundamentals with a growing bar chat icon

For Existing Businesses

Money Management


Cash Flow Fundamentals

This workshop teaches you how to take charge of your business’s health and longevity by learning to manage cash flow like a pro. Matt Gartland leads you through exercises for managing your cash flow like a professional.

Pricing For Profit with a percentage icon

For Advanced Beginners+

Sell Your Products


Pricing For Profit

A mini-course to help you learn and apply smart pricing methods to optimize your profit and grow a healthy and sustainable business.

Productivity With Purpose with a clock icon

For Advanced Beginners+

Manage Yourself


Productivity with Purpose

This mini-course helps you get the right things done and bring balance to your life and work.

Ready to find join your people and level up?

Like you, we’re online entrepreneurs who crave connection, direction, and support from people like us.