Are You Taking Advantage of Recurring Posts?

How to incorporate recurring posts — content that gives readers something to look forward to — into your blog editorial calendar.

Are you giving your audience anything specific and regular to look forward to?

In other words, is there some type of post that you publish consistently over and over again that becomes a true unique element to your brand?

As many of you know, I religiously publish income reports each and every month here on SPI. Although I know a lot of people look forward to these because I share my income, the lessons I’ve learned, and the decisions I’m making with my online businesses, there’s so much more than that when it comes to the strategy of a recurring piece of content.

Whatever that recurring content may be, it gives your audience something concrete to look forward to, something that they already know about—they just don’t know what the outcome or result will be “this time.”

Recurring posts of high value keep your audience interested, and it keeps them coming back.

If I had a cooking blog that shared recipes, I would post a recipe every Friday that was an at-home version of something great I had at a restaurant earlier in the week.

If I had a personal development website, I would post a video each month that showed how I got overcame some fear that I or someone else had.

You get the idea.

The key is to provide something interesting and valuable, and of course—stay consistent. Also, you shouldn’t have too many of these recurring types of posts because the more you add to your schedule, the more they dilute the impact of each other.

After a year, just imagine the collection of unique content you’d have to share with people.

With this content:

To reiterate, because it’s important, the recurring post should be something interesting and completely unique and relevant in order to be effective.

What is a type of post that you want to become known for?

Schedule that in.

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  • Pat Flynn

    Hi, I’m Pat, founder of SPI and host of the Smart Passive Income Podcast. Let’s continue the conversation over in our communities.

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