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Get a feel for what’s included in the All-Access Pass with a free preview lesson from each course. Explore the page—we’ve got over an hour and a half of free video lessons for you!

1•2•3 Affiliate Marketing

Course Outline

What you need to know before you begin

3 lessons

Step 1: Choose the Right Product

9 lessons

Step 2: Passive Promotional Strategies

8 lessons

Step 3: Active Promotional Strategies

11 lessons

The Affiliate Marketing Recipe Book

4 recipes

What our students are saying

“I was leaving money on the table. Pat’s [1•2•3 Affiliate Marketing] course is amazing. He walks you through nitty-gritty details..he gives you some strategy and tips you can start using right away. You will be impressed with the content and the calibre of the course.”

Dr. Maelisa Hall

“Pat provided both the foundation to understand what works with affiliate marketing, but he went further with recipes to create your marketing efforts with different types of products. Each one of these recipe books provided multiple ways to approach my marketing efforts. That was a lesson in itself—don’t just do one thing when trying to market a product you recommend to your audience.”

William Beem

Smart From Scratch

Course Outline

Stage 1: Idea and Market Visibility

9 lessons

Stage 2: Adjust and Refine

6 lessons

Stage 3: Testing

6 lessons

What our students are saying

“I have been in the program for six months now and I have a business that’s already starting to make money because of it. I was a big ideas guy and so I came into the course with too many thoughts…Through the course I was able to really refine and discard some of the ideas that I thought would be big ideas and a lot of fun, and actually they weren’t money-makers nor were they things I would enjoy long term. I picked a topic that I was able to dive into and start making money.”

Chris Gilmour

Cash Flow Fundamentals Mini-Course

Pricing For Profit Mini-Course

Vital skills, trailblazing resources, and a motivating community.

Your business growth starts now.

Heroic Online Courses

Course Outline

#1: Nail Your Niche

6 lessons

#2: Create an Extraordinary Course Outline

5 lessons

#3: Making Your Sales Page

8 lessons

#4: Build a Production and Launch Plan

6 lessons

#5: The Right Mindset Before You Step into the Arena

5 lessons

#6: How to Film and Create Your Course

9 lessons

What our students are saying

“Because of Heroic Online Courses, I was able to not only create an outline and start writing out my course content and recording my videos, but they gave me encouragement. They gave me ideas for copy for website. They gave me tips on video and audio equipment, what to use for recording. They walked me through the Teachable process and how to set up the course within Teachable, how to service my customers and how to get people to buy my class. I was able to launch right at the last week of the course and I launched very successfully. I got eight people to buy into my beta course and proved my content, my concept, and so I couldn’t have done this without Heroic Online Courses.”

Carolina Albano

Email Marketing Magic

Course Outline

#1-1: Setup and Foundation

7 lessons

#1-2: Optimizing Entry Points

7 lessons

#1-3: Grow Your List

10 lessons

#1-4: What to Send

6 lessons

#1-5: Optimizing Your Emails

6 lessons

#2-1: Tagging and Segmentation

5 lessons

#2-2: Integrations

3 lessons

ABC Bank: Autoresponders, Broadcasts, and Campaigns

8 lessons with templates

What our students are saying

“Thank you for this course, Pat! I have prior experience with e-mail marketing, and for me, there are lots of moving parts. Your course and teaching style gives me a certain structure to re-launch and structure my marketing effots and warm-up my list again. Very good teaching style, calm and clear. Thank you!”


“Due to the COVID-19, I’m encouraged my email list may be the best things I have going for me. I have put into action sequencing emails in new ways and I will attempt to figure out how to purge my list with MailChimp. Loving this course…huge benefits all the way through and I especially appreciate seeing your examples.”

ASL Teaching Resources

Ready to find join your people and level up?

Like you, we’re online entrepreneurs who crave connection, direction, and support from people like us.

Power-Up Podcasting™

Course Outline

Pre-Launch #1: You and Your Future Podcast

9 lessons

Pre-Launch #2: Planning Your Podcast Episodes

7 lessons

Pre-Launch #3: Recording and Editing Your Show

10 lessons

Pre-Launch #4: Preparing Your Audio for the World

11 lessons

Pre-Launch #5: The Launch Plan

4 lessons

Launch Week

6 lessons

After Launch

7 lessons

Podcast Monetization

5 lessons

Video Podcasting

4 lessons

What our students are saying

“I wanted to have a bigger impact. I always loved working with my mentees and I wanted to do that on a bigger scale…I knew a podcast was the way to do that but I had no clue how to get started…literally within a month, The Epic Success Podcast with Dr. Shannon Irvine is live!…It’s by far the best course I’ve ever taken.”

Dr. Shannon Irvine

Even in my 60s, I went for it, because Pat showed me it’s doable, and I don’t believe that there’s anything you can pay for that will give you the feeling I’m experiencing myself, doing my show. Nothing. There’s no amount of money, because this feeling comes from what I’m already getting back, and I’ve only just gotten started.

Dr. Barbara A Cohen, Ph.D.

Amp’d Up Podcasting

Course Outline

A: Let’s Automate

3 lessons

M: Marketing Levers

5 lessons

P: Profit

6 lessons

YouTube From Scratch

Course Outline

#1: Plan Your YouTube Channel

9 lessons

#2: Create and Setup Your Channel

5 lessons

#3: Publish Your First Video

5 lessons

#4: Creator Studio Analytics

5 lessons

#5: Monetization

3 lessons

A to Z Webinars

Course Outline

#1: The Mindset to Win with Webinars

4 lessons

#2: Equipment and Software

5 lessons

#3: Pre-Webinar Setup

4 lessons

#4: How to Promote Your Webinar

5 lessons

#5: Preparing Your Presentation

4 lessons

#6: Going Live—Everything You Need to Know

4 lessons

#7: How to Sell Your Webinar (Without Being Sleazy)

5 lessons

#8 How to Follow Up After a Webinar Is Over

4 lessons

#9: How to “Evergreen” Your Webinar

3 lessons

#10: Moving Forward

1 lessons

Bonus: How to Use Facebook Ads to Promote Your Webinar

4 lessons

Vital skills, trailblazing resources, and a motivating community.

Your business growth starts now.