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SPI 022: Affiliate Marketing Strategies, Tips, and Techniques from Real Life Experiences with Chris Guthrie

SPI 22: SPI 022: Affiliate Marketing Strategies, Tips, and Techniques from Real Life Experiences with Chris Guthrie

SPI 22: SPI 022: Affiliate Marketing Strategies, Tips, and Techniques from Real Life Experiences with Chris Guthrie


      In this session of the Smart Passive Income Podcast, special guest Chris Guthrie and I discuss several affiliate marketing strategies, tips and techniques drawing from real life examples from our own websites and experiences.

      Affiliate marketing has been huge for me lately. Last month, I earned from affiliate marketing and Chris has pushed over 1.5 million dollars in product sales from alone, which is out of this world.

      You may remember Chris from Session #10 of the SPI Podcast, which was more of an interview style type podcast. This time around we do more of a “round-table” type discussion about affiliate marketing and throw tips back and forth that have worked for us in the past. There’s a lot of little golden nuggets in this session, so whether you’re just getting started with affiliate marketing, or you’re already experienced with it and want to increase your conversions, there should be something here for you.

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      Enjoy the show!


      Today’s Guest

      Chris Guthrie

      In this session of the Smart Passive Income Podcast, special guest Chris Guthrie and I discuss several affiliate marketing strategies, tips and techniques.


      Make Money on the Internet



      You’ll Learn


      Note: Some of the resources below may be affiliate links, meaning I receive a commission (at no extra cost to you) if you use that link to make a purchase.

      Also note that some of the resources mentioned in the episode may no longer be available.

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