In this session of The Smart Passive Income Podcast we continue the discussion about email list building and how to win with them.
In about 2 years, I’ve been able to quickly grow a list of 35,000 subscribers, encourage an email open rate of 50 and 70% (the industry standard is typically 20% or less) and I do make some money from my email list too—without having to pitch anything.
In Part 1 of this series (which I definitely recommend you check out first because it leads into this session), we talked about everything that happens before a person actually subscribes to your list – from where to start to web form placement and some important notes about the bonus offer that you have the option to include as incentive.
In Part 2, we’re going to chat about everything that goes on after a person subscribes, and the experience that new subscribers go through when they sign up so you can better craft your emails and smooth out the experience your subscribers have with your brand.
At the beginning of this session, I address a few questions people had after part 1, including:
- How do you get the “subscribe to my email list” button in the comment section of your blog?
- Can you use your home address at the bottom of the emails you send out, which is required by law?
- How do you deal with those who want blog posts via email, and those who want exclusive content via email?
Table Width Code

Above Email HTML Code
<table width="370px" border="0"><tbody><tr><td>
Below Email HTML Code
Quick Tip for HTML Code
I have my HTML code setup in TextExpander for Mac so I can easily punch in some hot keys on my keyboard, and the code will appear exactly where I want it to without having to find it or type it out.
I hope this series was helpful to you. If it was, please leave a comment below (and of course ask any questions if you wish!) and if you haven’t done so already, please take a second to leave a quick review in iTunes by clicking here.
Thanks, and all the best!
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You’ll Learn
- The one thing you should do with your automatically generated confirmation email.
- Why you don’t want everyone on your email list, and how to get people off of it.
- How to keep people going after they reach your “Dead-end” thank you landing page.
- What to include in your thank you follow up email.
- Your options for delivering various types of bonus offers to your new subscribers.
- The most important email in your autoresponder sequence, and what it should be about.
- How to get responses like “this email came at the perfect time for me” from your subscribers.
- Certain types of strategic emails I put into my autoresponder sequence.
- How to properly schedule your emails and the best time of day to send them out.
- How to check the open rates of all of your autoresponder emails, and what to look out for.
- Some of my top opened email subject lines.
- How to make money from your list without having to directly sell anything, and more!
Note: Some of the resources below may be affiliate links, meaning I receive a commission (at no extra cost to you) if you use that link to make a purchase.
- Part 1 of 2 for How to Win with Your Email List
- Subscriber’s Magnet Plugin Review
- Aweber Email Service Provider [Note: I now recommend ConvertKit instead of Aweber.]
- CAN-SPAM Act Information
- Feedburner (under publicize, see email subscriptions)
- The Page on SPI People see after Subscribing
- The Page on SPI People see after Confirming
- Magnetic Headlines (via Copyblogger)
- How to Write Headlines that Work (via Copyblogger)
- Social Triggers
- with Glen Allsop