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SPI 042: Killer Kindle Publishing Tips with Jonny Andrews

SPI 42: Killer Kindle Publishing Tips with Jonny Andrews

SPI 42: Killer Kindle Publishing Tips with Jonny Andrews


      In this session of The Smart Passive Income Podcast I pick the brain of someone who is seeing massive success by publishing books on Amazon’s Kindle publishing platform.

      As many of you may know by now, I’m deep in the middle of publishing my own Kindle book for the first time, and when conducting research and asking around for advice, more often than not, this person’s name kept coming up.

      I’m happy to welcome Jonny Andrews and his business partner Hollis to the SPI podcast today where we talk about his success on the Kindle publishing platform, and more importantly, his approach—and I have to say our conversation was such a breath of fresh air.


      Because like with any online make-money opportunity, there are a lot of people out there who teach the quick and easy way to do things, ways which don’t really provide value to the end user, unfortunately.

      With Jonny, however, his main priority is making sure that extreme value is being provided to those who will be purchasing books on the Kindle platform, because it is that value that will put more people in front of your book, introduce more people to your brand, and drive more sales.

      After listening to this session you might understand why I’m so excited to be going through this process myself!

      As I mention in the podcast, I’m documenting and reporting this entire process in a Private Facebook Group in hopes that by the end of this I not only have my first book published on Amazon, but a convenient, step-by-step guide for anyone else who wants to do the same. It would be a nice addendum to my existing ebook, Ebooks the Smart Way, for sure. 🙂

      Thank you all for your support, thank you to Jonny and Hollis, and I wish you all the best!

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      Today’s Guest

      Jonny Andrews

      In this episode, I pick the brain of someone who is seeing massive success by publishing books on Amazon’s Kindle platform.


      Audience Hacker



      You’ll Learn


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