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SPI 187: How to Run a Successful Affiliate Marketing Campaign (as the Product Owner) with Lewis Howes

This week the amazing Lewis Howes of is back for a third time to bring you the scoop on affiliate marketing. I’ve talked a lot about affiliate marketing on the show before, but Lewis is doing something a little different today. He’s covering affiliate programs from the product owner’s perspective.

If you’re gearing up for a major product launch, you might be asking, “Why would I want to hand over a chunk of my profits to an affiliate?” Lewis is here to answer questions like this one, and so much more. He’s a seasoned pro at crafting product launches that provide huge value to himself, his customers, and his affiliates.

Whether your next product launch is a few months or a few years away, Lewis has some top-notch advice for you. He’ll share his favorite strategies and tools for launching an affiliate program that will do incredible things for you and your product. He’ll also give a sneak peek at his latest book, The School of Greatness, which is something you’ll definitely want to check out. Let’s get to it!

Thanks for Listening!

Thanks so much for joining me again this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below!

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If you have any questions (or would like answers to hear previously submitted voicemail questions!), head on over to This bite-sized show has over two million downloads and counting!

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Special thanks to Lewis for joining me again this week. Until next time!

Today’s Guest

Lewis Howes

This week the amazing Lewis Howes of is back for a third time to bring you the scoop on affiliate marketing.

You’ll Learn


Note: Some of the resources below may be affiliate links, meaning I receive a commission (at no extra cost to you) if you use that link to make a purchase.

Check out my step-by-step guide to affiliate marketing

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing: A Simple Step-by-Step Guide

Everything you need to know about affiliate marketing: how to get started, methods to choose from, and things to watch out for. 

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