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SPI 093: How to Make Next Year the Best Year Ever! Goal Setting, Resistance, and Priorities with Michael Hyatt

SPI 93: How to Make Next Year the Best Year Ever! Goal Setting, Resistance, and Priorities with Michael Hyatt

SPI 93: How to Make Next Year the Best Year Ever! Goal Setting, Resistance, and Priorities with Michael Hyatt


      In this session of The Smart Passive Income Podcast, I’m extremely happy to welcome Michael Hyatt from to the show!

      Michael is a leader of leaders. In 2005, he was appointed CEO of Thomas Nelson, a publishing company that was founded in 1798 with a rich history and a huge portfolio of best-selling books, including one of Michael Hyatt’s own, Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World.

      I had the pleasure of meeting Michael for the first time this past February after being invited to speak at the very first Platform Conference, and since then I’ve become a huge fan of his. He is one of the most genuine and authentic leaders I know, and within the first minute of the interview you’ll hear just how nice of a guy he is.

      With 2014 just around the corner and goal setting in our minds, I wanted to bring Michael on the show to talk about how to really conquer the things we set out to achieve. I ask him a lot of tough questions and without surprise, Michael gives some of the best answers I’ve ever heard about these topics.

      After I conducted the interview, and after re-listening to the episode again yesterday, my energy levels are high and my gears are spinning like crazy—and I’m sure yours will too.

      Share a Goal, Win Free Access to Michael’s New Course!

      As Michael mentioned at the end of the show, he just launched his new course, 5 Days to Your Best Year Ever. I do not receive an affiliate commission from promoting this course, although Michael did offer a percentage of the sales price as a commission.

      Note: the link above will take you to an affiliate landing page, but again, I’ve elected not to receive commissions. The redirect is for tracking purposes only.

      I refused the offer because instead of money, I’d much rather see you achieve your goals this upcoming year, and I want you to know just how important I believe goal setting is.

      You don’t need a course to crush your goals this upcoming year, but I know Michael’s course will help if you choose to check it out.

      He offered free access to his course for one person in the SPI audience, so in order to qualify, all you have to do is leave a comment below sharing just of of the big goals you hope to set out to achieve in 2014. I’ll select a random commenter on January 1st, and announce the winner here in this post and via email.

      Update (1/3): Congratulations to commenter One Mom and a Blog for winning a free copy of Michael Hyatt’s Best Year Ever course! Please continue to write down your goals in the comment section to share with everyone else!

      Did You Enjoy This Session? Let Us Know on Twitter!

      If you loved this session, let Michael and I know on Twitter by clicking on the link below:

      Click here to let us know you loved the show!

      Question? Leave Me a Voicemail!

      If you have a question that you’d like answered please visit my SpeakPipe Page and quickly and easily record a voicemail question for me to answer for you!

      No payments, signups or dialing required. Just hit record and your question will be sent. I may feature your question in an upcoming podcast…and you may get something cool in return too!

      Thank you for an Amazing 2013!

      I owe you everything. 2013 was the best year ever for Smart Passive Income, and I have you to thank for that. Let’s start 2014 with a bang, and I look forward to reading your goals in the comment section below!


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      If you have a chance, please leave me an honest rating and review on iTunes by clicking here. It will help the show and its ranking in iTunes immensely! I appreciate it!

      Thanks again for all of your amazing support, and Happy Holidays to you and yours!

      Today’s Guest

      Michael Hyatt

      Michael Hyatt teaches us about goal setting, resistance, and priorities.

      You’ll Learn

      • How to tackle the doubts and resistance that always appear when trying to achieve something big.
      • Michael’s personal experience with resistance that happened last week.
      • Why it might not be the best idea to share your goals with others.
      • The reasons why Michael puts himself at the top of his priority list, before others.
      • The unconventional advice Michael gives to anyone who wants to become a high-achiever.
      • Where to start when it comes to goal setting, to set yourself up to conquer the next phase.
      • How to know when to stop working towards the goal you’re working on, and if that’s the right decision.
      • How Michael was, at one point in his life, too broke to go bankrupt.
      • What “Push Goals” are and why they’re important, and more!


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      with Pat Flynn

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